Saturday (Part One)

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***BILL'S POV***

I didn't know what was going through his head in that moment. It could've been anger, confusion, sadness, fear, shock, or even excitement, for some reason. All I knew in that moment was that it was a bad idea to be here.

Dipper Pines stared at me, almost no expression in his eyes. I sit on his bed, still staring at him, undressed but trying to cover up this human body's parts.

"Help..." was all I could say. It seemed like he was mostly concerned with why there was some random person naked and on his bed, but it might have been my eye. Maybe he knew who I was right then, but in that moment, I couldn't tell.

"Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

I considered joking around, but it wasn't a great time, probably for either of us, for that sort of thing.

"It's me... Bill... Cipher..."

He stared, still emotionless. He blinked a few times. "You're human, though."

"It's... a long story..."

"Explain. I have every reason in the world to kick you out right this second with nothing, so I suggest not leaving out a single bit of it."

I nod, looking down. "Okay..." I gulp, shivering from the cold coming through the window. Being human is weird... more painful than I remember... "I... after trying to take over the world... your world... dimension... I went to some other dimension with the only creatures I knew... they disgraced me... for losing... for being so weak... then... they put me in a human body... different from the other ones, slightly, so no one would come near me... so I would have no one in other dimensions, no one in this dimension... no one... at all... and I lasted for a while... but... along with being in a human body, I'm restricted to what you're all restricted to... nothing is fun... I can't even make up friends... so... one day... I saw you... followed you home... snuck in..."

He walks over to me. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" He asks, just as melancholy as he's been since I saw him on the street earlier. "And besides that, why are you naked?"

I gulp. "I... I haven't found any clothes... since I was put here..."

"Okay. Once again, though, why are you in my house? If I need to ask again, you won't be in this house anymore."

I look down. "Because... I have no where else to go..." It goes silent for a second. "I don't know any humans other than you Pines... both of your uncles are off somewhere... I heard your sister left town..."

Before I can continue, he interrupts me. "You don't belong here, Bill." He tells me. "You hurt me. You hurt me physically and mentally. You made my mental problems worse. You almost killed me and my family. You almost destroyed our town. You have no place in this town ever again, nor do you have any right to be in this house."

"Please!" I grab his arm with my right hand and other forearm with my left hand. "Please... I know, you're probably gonna say no... please... let me stay here for a few days..." I see him about to open his mouth, but I stop him. "I know it's crazy and idiotic of me to even consider asking, but... please... I'll get on my hands and knees and beg for you to let me stay... I'll do anything... I'll worship you, I'll be your slave, I'll clean up all the messes and do all of the chores you need to do around the house. I swear I'll do anything. I'll never speak again, I'll never do anything bad, I promise, but please, let me stay." He stares at me for a couple seconds. "I... I'm sorry..." I feel my pride as an immortal demon shatter into even smaller pieces than they were after I was banished here. "I'm sorry... for everything... for what I did to you... to this town... to your family..." I feel water forming in my eyes. I hate this human body...

"... do you really expect anything to change? Do you expect my forgiveness right now? Just because you said sorry?" He sounds mad, but he still looks emotionless. What's gotten into him? It's been a few human years... I know humans change... but why is he like this?

"No... I know how humans work... I don't expect you to forgive me, ever... but... please... just let me stay here for a bit... I'll do whatever you say... and when you tell me to leave, I'll get out of your life forever, I promise... please..." I look at him with pleading eyes.

He stands taller than me when I'm sitting on the bed. Looking up at him, I feel small, weak, powerless, and less than a human. I feel like a slave, naked and begging for a second chance. "Get-"

"PLEASE!" I grip his arms tighter and put my head against his torso. "Please, I'm begging you... please I swear I won't do anything bad, just please!! I'm human now, I know pain... I know now... everything... and I'm stuck here... I don't want to die... if I leave now, I'll die out there... I know you probably would be fine with that... but please... Dipper... please..."

I hear him sigh and push me off of him. I sit on his bed, hoping he'll say yes. The water tears keep falling from my eyes and I can't stop them. He looks at me with the same expressionless look he's had this entire time.

It's silent for a minute. I stare at him for a while. He barely blinks. I look down, knowing he's going to kick me out now. I don't blame him... I almost killed him... almost killed his sister... almost killed everyone in Gravity Falls... I don't deserve any sort of help from him.

"Bill Cipher," I feel the human heart in me beat really fast. It hurts... "You have a week." My eyes widen as I look up at him. "You have to be out of the Shack before next Sunday morning." I feel myself smile. "Then I never want to see you again."

I nod. "Thank you... so much... I'm sorry, again... thank you..."

He walks over to a dresser and pulls some human clothes out of it, throwing them at me as he does. A plain white shirt, plain black shorts, and a pair of smaller shorts that are probably what humans call underwear. "Get yourself dressed." I do immediately as fast as I can. As I'm trying to put on the underwear, I fall off the bed. "What the hell?" I look up, the first piece of clothing on, at least. He laughs.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't be." He half smiles and stops laughing. He laughed... that's good, right?

I continue putting on the clothes he gave me as he watches. When I finish, I stand and look at him. He goes over to a closet and pulls out a blanket and pillow, setting them on the floor. "You sleep there." He tells me. I nod and go over to the spot. He goes over to his bed and lays down. "Go to sleep."

"Okay." I lay down on the floor and get comfy. This human body sucks...

I eventually fall asleep. It's a weird sensation, but it's... it's nice...


Hello hello my dear children, it's been quite some time. While I was away, I wrote a few one shots, so I have some content for you finally. For those wonder what the actual fuck, I was grounded for almost two years for something stupid but hey here I am now, alive and writing

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