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I groan at the work in front of me. It's so complicated! I want to go back to last grade's seventh grade math. Actually, kindergarten would be so much easier.

"I don't understand it!" I groan, putting my head on my desk. Triangles are so hard to work with! It doesn't make sense!

"Do you need help?" I look up and see a blonde kid looking at me with one bright blue eye. The other is covered by his hair. He looks sort of black but not really... like the colour that Egyptians are. He wears a yellow sweater that he has pulled up his arms and skinny black pants. "I know how to do this." He says.

"Uh... sure. Thanks." He sits beside me and starts explaining the problem.

I can't concentrate on it at all. I just look at him. I know him... I just don't know his name... I've seen him in almost ever single class I've had since sixth grade. Well, actually, when I think about it, it has been every single class. He's really interesting. He has really good grades, and doesn't even like he's trying. Plus, he looks pretty odd... and cool...

When he notices that I'm looking at him, he narrows his eyes in confusion. "What are you staring at, Pine Tree? I'm trying to help you with your work."

I snap out of it. "Pine Tree? My name's Dipper."

"Pine Tree." He pokes the center of my hat as I remember that there's a Pine Tree on it. "My name's Bill Cipher, by the way." He holds his hand out and I shake it. Bill Cipher... that's his name! "Now pay attention or you're gonna continue to fail this class."

"How do you-"

"You struggle with every single thing that's given to you." I look at him, shocked for a moment. "It's easy to spot the people who are groaning on the desk about how complicated the work is rather than finding help." I look down, ashamed. "Now pay attention."

I do as he says. For once, I actually feel like I'm learning something.

By the end of the hour, my work for the day is done. "You're gonna need help on everything else as well. You're parents would be alright with it if I came over to tutor you a few days of each week, right?" I shurg, then nod. "Good. You might want to get to a C if you want to pass." He writes something down on a piece of paper and hands it to me. "Text me when you're free." The bell rings, letting us out of class and sending us to last hour. I pick up all of my stuff and walk out of the class, mindlessly staring at the number.

"Dipper!" My mind snaps back into reality as I see my twin sister Mabel in front of me. "You almost walked straight into a fight!! What are you doing??" I look beyond her and see two kids beating the crap out of each other.

"I... I have no clue. But thanks... That would've been really bad..." She looks at me angrily.

She grabs the paper and stares at it. "Who's number is this?" Her eyes widen with joy. "Are you finally making friends??"

I take it back. "Someone's going to be tutoring me for math."

"Who is it??? My Bro Bro's finally gonna have a friend other than me!!" She looks a bit over excited. I roll my eyes at her enthusiasm.

"Uh... Bill. Bill Cipher, I think."

"You mean the weird blonde kid who sits in the back in social studies and science, has practically perfect grades, and has the endurance of a starving wolf?" I think about it for a minute.

That's right... he is great in gym class. He was the first to finish the mile, has gotten the highest scores in all games, never gets hit or caught out but always hits all and catches all throws out in dodge ball, and has possible the best endurance out of everyone in school combined, but when we change into our gym clothes and I just happen to look over while he's changing, I've noticed that he has the build of a gaming kid who does nothing at home and has a really high metabolism.

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