Murder Case *Part Two*

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***real quick, Bill finally had become human in the middle of the story, the two ended up together, and the murderer was no one in particular except a random man from elsewhere***

***Third Person***

Dipper looks down at the head of the murderer. "Finally..." The decapitated person that he and Bill had been hunting for almost ten months was finally caught...

And killed.

"Pine Tree, I need that." Dipper looks at Bill confused. "You'll see in a bit. Just put it in here." He holds out a sack he found on the side of the road. Dipper reluctantly picks up the head and drops it into the sack. "Now follow me." The brunette gets confused as he follows his golden-haired love. They walk for a while, and Dipper soon becomes familiar with the area.

"Why are we going into the forest?" Dipper asks cautiously. Bill doesn't answer, making Dipper suspicious.

For the time being, walking was all they did until they reached a small, unfamiliar clearing. In the middle of is a stone with a figure on it. Dipper stops moving when he sees them. "Bill... that's... why did you take her out of the grave??" Dipper's eyes start to fill with tears.

Mabel Pines lays on the slab. Her wounds are all stitch up, her body cleaned, and new clothes are on her. She looks to be sleeping.

Bill doesn't speak. He doesn't want Dipper to know what he's going to do.

What he's giving up.

Bill brings the head over to the tabel, being sure not to step on the lines of the circle that surrounds it. "Pine Tree, I need you to stay on that tree stump, okay?" Dipper reluctantly walks to where Bill tells him to and sits. Bill places the head on Mabel's stomach and sighs. He looks at Dipper and smiles, walking over to him. He leans down and kisses him. Secretly, and very slyly, he chains the brunette's arm to a metal piece he put on the tree truck. "I love you, Dipper Pines."

Dipper's eyes widen, realizing that something was going on. Bill quickly goes back to the table with tears in his eyes. Dipper trues to jump up and run to him, but isn't able to move because of the cuff. "Bill??" He tries to get out and run towards him, but cant, no matter how hard he tries. "Bill, this isn't funny!! Let me go!!!"

Bill tries to keep his tears back. "When she wakes up, tell her that she has the key to let you go."

"Bill, what are you doing??"

Bill starts saying unknown words in some other language. Dipper freaks out. He continues trying to get out and do something. Suddnely, a bright light engulfs the whole area. Bill continues his words as Mabel's body starts floating above the slab. Bill suddenly stops and opens his eyes, which glow brightly.

"No!! Bill!!!"

Bill starts rising as well. A strong breeze shakes everything around them. The only way Dipper stays down is the cuffs.




Dipper's eyes widen. "NO!! BILL!!"

A white light engulfs everything, temporarily blinding Dipper.

After it disappears, he looks to the stone. On it, he sees Mabel twitching. Behind it- nothing. The head of the murderer was gone, and so was Bill.

Mabel sits up slowly. "D... Dip... per..." She looks up at Dipper, then suddenly to the sky. "B... ill?" After a minute, her eyes widen. "N-no! Don't... g... o!!" She shakily stands and reaches towards nothing.

Suddenly, she stops, her legs shaking. She slowly sits back down and looks to Dipper. "Br... Bro... Bro..." She gets off the slab and shakily walks to Dipper.

Dipper let's tears drop from his face. He stares in awe at his resurrected twin. "You have the key... to unlock me..." He says by Bill's command. His voice cracks.

Mabel nods and grabs the key from around her neck and unlocks the cuff. "B... B-bill... says..." Dipper looks up in hope. "He l... lo... l... loves... you..." She wraps her arms around her twin. "He.. he'll... see you... t-tonight..." Dipper hugs her back.

"Come on Mabel..." He says. "Let's go home..." She nods. Dipper stands while she tries. Instead of that, Dipper decides to just carry her to make it easier on her. Almost immediately, she falls asleep in his arms. He looks at her in tears. "... thank you, Bill..." He whispers to nothing as he walks.

They make it back to the shop and make sure Mabel is well taken care of.

"What happened to Bill?" Wendy asks. Dipper doesn't respond. He just cared for Mabel as if she was a China doll that was broken at one point and fixed afterwards.

After they finished, they brought her up to her bed and make sure she's tucked in tightly into it. Dipper just sits on his own.

He... he'll... see you... t-tonight...


He waited patiently for Bill to come back. He sits on the bed, waiting. Time passes very slowly for the brunette, and he eventually falls asleep sitting up.

"Dipper." He flashes his eyes opens and looks around, seeing Bill as the human. "I didn't think it would work..." Dipper smiles widely. "But here I am."

"I love you."

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