I Love You

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Heh heh heh heh heh... I guess slightly gory. Just a little. Maybe like a small amount more than a little, but that's all.


"Oh my god, Dipper! I like that too!" I glare angrily at Pacifica. She flirts with Dipper Pines, and he knows it. He's letting her. He's enjoying it. They were enemies when they were twelve, but now everyone says they're a thing. They arent, but they say they might as well just fuck and get over it.

And I hate her.

Pine Tree is mine and she needs to know that. Mine, no one else's!!! She thinks she can just crawl all over him as if he's a toy!! That bitch... that bitch will learn... and so will he. He's not supposed to be that close to her!! I told him this!! He doesn't listen... no, he'll learn. He'll learn not to disobey me...

I snap myself back to the Shack and wait for him to come home. Each second that passes increases my anger. Each second is another second that my Pine Tree let's that stupid bitch flirt with him.

Eventually, after waiting forever for him to come home, I hear him downstairs, but just stay in the same position as before. After a minute or two, the door opens, revealing him looking happy. The moment he sees me, his frown disappears. "Hey Bill." He says casually. I just stare at him for a while before standing.

"Pine Tree, I have something I want to show you. Something really special to me." He raises his brow. "It shouldn't take long." I hold out my hand to him.

He slowly grabs it and I teleport us outside. I start almost dragging him to the forest, no specific place in mind until I think about the bunker. The bunker is secluded enough... plus, it's underground, where no one can hear anything. I start leading him there.

"Bill, you're hurting me..." I don't stop. I continue harshly pulling him to the bunker. When we get there, I open it and we go inside, closing it behind me. We go through the endless rooms until we reach the caverns with the shapeshifter. I bring him down one of the caves pretty deep until it's so dark, a human wouldn't be able to see. I'm able to see, though, plain and clear. "Alright, what do you need to show me? I don't really like it down here." I keep my back towards him, keeping a really tight grip on his arm.

"You know... that Pacifica girl really likes you." I turn to him just slighty, knowing that my eye has changed and must be visible through the darkness. His face fills with fear.

"Bill, she just likes to flirt, but it doesn't mean anything!" I feel the anger in me start to show on the outside.

"Why do you let her, then?"

He looks to be trying to speak, but nothing comes out for a second. "I don't want her to get upset." He says in a very unconvincing voice.

I turn completely to him and roughly push him to a nearby wall. "You like her, don't you?" His eyes widen for a second before I see him build up about ten seconds of courage.

"Yes, I like her, and that should be nothing to you because you're not me, you don't control me, and you sure as hell don't decide who I like or love or whatever!!" I watch that courage sink back into the depths of his life.

I lose it. I snap and make his arms, legs, and neck bound by chains. "YES, I DO." I here it in my monster voice. "YOU LOVE ME, PINE TREE!" He gulps and tries to get away. "THERE'S NO ESCAPE!! I make him sit in front of me and I snap his shirt off and give myself a newly sharpened knife. I slowly walk circles around the boy. "HOW COULD YOU?? HOW COULD YOU DENY ME, BUT ACCEPT HER??"

"Because I like her and hate you!!"

I kneel in front of him and harshly grab his face and turn him to me. "YOU CAN'T LOVE HER. I WON'T LET YOU!!" I take the knife and point it at the tip of his collar bone. "NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!!" I slowly drag the knife down his torso, pushing just hard enough to cut through the first layer of skin. He groans and holds back from making too loud of a noise. I stop when I reach the edge of his pants.

"Bill... why? You're not supposed to hurt someone if you love them..."

"TO TEACH YOU A LESSON. I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT BITCH!" He looks down, closing his eyes. I make his arms spread out to the side and I walk in circles around him again. "YOU ARE MINE, PINE TREE. NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU."

"Well, I don't want you to have me! And I don't want you!! Get over me and leave me alone!!" I sit behind him and hold the blade on his back. "Wh-what are you doing?"

Without warning, I push the sharp edge into his skin pretty deep, but not too deep. He yelps, trying not to scream. I start moving it down and writing words across his back. He screams by the second letter. His cries echo through the caverns as he tries harder to get away. I continue writing. By the third word, his screams are replaced with silent sobs and whimpers, holding back the screams, begging me to stop. I finish the fourth word and back up, watching the endless flow of blood from his back drip to the floor.


He cries as his body becomes slightly limp. "YOU ARE MINE, PINE TREE."

"I will never be yours!" He says with a shaky, weak breath. "You will never make me yours..." His breathing becomes short and desperate. I go to his arms and repetitively cut the word 'MINE' into every clear spot. He cries again and I do the same thing to his other arm. The blood drips down to the floor below us. I grin like a mad man.

I go in front of him and loom over him. He has a hard time lifting up his head, but eventually looks me in the eyes. He's scared, hurt, and losing a lot of blood. I kneel down and grab his hair to make sure he won't look away. "YOU'RE MINE, AND YOU ALWAYS WILL BE. NOT EVEN DEATH WILL DO US PART." He spits in my face. I widen my eyes and put the knife where his heart hides under his skin. "YOU," I make one line, deeper than any of the others I made. He screams. "ARE," Another line. "MINE!!" A third line, making a triangle. I draw the eye in the middle of it as he screams as he struggles to get away. I trace the knife down the same line I made earlier to his stomach area and smile, completely crazy. I start writing my name there, slipping out of control and going deep enough to where his insides become visible. He screams louder and tries to pull away, but the chains keep him still.

I start laughing. When I finish writing, I look at him as he goes pale and a large pool of his own blood surrounds him, turning the dirt into mud.

He stops about a minute after I pull the knife out. He slowly looks at me again. I grab his chin and kiss him. "YOU ARE MINE..." I watch a tear fall from his eye as he goes limp.


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