Don't Let Me Go

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Uh... real quick, possible trigger warning...


"Pine Treeee~" I look around another corner in the Mystery Shack. Still not there... huh. "Where are you?" This boy is the hardest to find... I go up to his room and find only Mabel. "Shooting Star, have you seen Pine Tree?"

She shakes her head. "Have you checked the basement?" I nod. "The roof? The attic? The fridge?" I nod even more. I hate it when this happens... he'll just suddenly disappear and suddenly reappear after an hour or two. No, today I will find him. "Maybe... oh!! Try the bunker in the forest?"

I raise my eyebrow. "The one that had the shape shifter? Oh yeah..."

"Yeah, that one. If he isn't there, then try around town."

"Thanks, Shooting Star!" I rush down out of the room and exit the Mystery Shack. I start floating quickly to the area where the bunker tree was and find it open. Weird... maybe he really is down there...

I start going down and enter through the door. First room is clear. I walk slowly until I reach the hole leading to the next room. "Pine Tree?" I say quietly. No response. I make it to the second room and still see nothing. I slowly walk, starting to get worried.

What if he's hurt? Or dying? Or both??

I start speeding up. "Pine Tree?" I say a bit louder. Still no response. Please don't be in here! And if you are, please just not be able to hear me! I enter the closet thing and let the decontamination thing happen and start walking through the cave. I see the frozen shape shifter in the form of Pine Tree when he was younger. It makes me shudder.

I start walking down one of the caves when I suddenly hear something.

"Useless!!" That's Pine Tree's voice! "You're useless!" I start floating, not wanting to be detected. "Selfish... attention whore... waste of space... piece of shit... useless!!" I can't hear anyone else... what's he doing? "You hurt the people you love... you waste their time... they don't deserve someone like you... they deserve so much better..." The closer I get, the louder he gets, and the more audible the cries in between each word get. "Mabel... Ford... Stan... even Bill..." WAIT!! IS HE TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF??? "Even a demon shouldn't have to deal with you... " I get closer, soon being able to see him. He sits on the floor, his back towards me. "You shouldn't be here..." For a second, I think that he's talking about me, but then, he speaks again. "You shouldn't be alive..."

"Pine Tree, you stop it right now!!" Whoops...

He suddenly turns and looks around. He looks in my direction and I see tears in his eyes. I walk over to him quickly and he just looks at me with fear in his eyes. "B-bill?? What are you doing here??" I let my eyes wander and see blood dripping down his arms onto the ground. I kneel down and see that the ground has a ton of his blood on it too.

"Pine Tree!" A sharp metal razor drops out of his hand. "What did you... why? Why are you saying these things?? They're not true!"

He cries as his whole body shakes. "Yes they are!!" He slightly backs up and I go towards him.

"Pine Tree, you aren't what you say. Stop believing it. Please."

"Who are you to say this??? Who are you to tell me anything?" He continues to back up, getting closer to a wall. "You haven't been in my head!!" He hits the wall and, to make sure he doesn't run off, I straddle him. "Get off!!" He tries pushing me away.

"Pine Tree, I'm a demon. I do and get what I want, and you can't push me off." He stops. "Good, now, tell me why."

"You know why!! You heard me... didn't you?" Tears stream down his face. "I'm a selfish bastard who shouldn't be here! I shouldn't be alive! I-"

I hug him. I hold him tight and don't let go. He stops talking. "Pine Tree. Dipper Pines. Whatever you want right now. You have a life. Stopping thinking your a useless pile of junk. It's gonna take time and you actually have to try. Please... stop thinking like that."

"Stop telling me a lie... when I know the truth."

I let go of him and look at him. "Stop feeding a lie when I'm trying to convince you of the truth." I wipe away his tears and lift one of his arms. There's a few long cuts going down his forearm, some deeper than others, one of them almost getting to his vain, but all of them bleeding a lot. I snap my fingers and a wet cloth appears. I take it and start gently cleaning the cuts. He winces.

"Stop... let them bleed." He's getting dizzier by the second. I continue what I'm doing until this arm isn't bleeding anymore. I snap again and start wrapping his forearm with the stuff I got. I repeat the same process with the second arm. "If... I could... I w... would stop you... but... I'm too... too busy... dying..." None of the cuts were deep enough to make him bleed out or need stitches, but he made enough of them to make a sufficient amount of his blood become the floors blood.

"You'll be able to move properly in a bit. You can fight me then." I get off of him and lay down beside him. "Until then, we'll stay down here and I'm not letting you go anywhere." I stay there for a while. I suddenly here Pine Tree moving and look at him. He slowly crawls over to me and lays beside me, cuddling into my side. "Pine Tree?"

"I'm tired... and cold..." I smile. "C... can you sing to me...? Please...?" I turn on my side and wrap my arms around him.

Don't you cry
Go to sleep my little Pine Tree
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little horses

Dapples and greys
Pintos and bays
All the pretty little horses

Way down yonder
In the forest
Poor little baby crying mama

Fairies and the butterflies
Flutter 'round his eyes
Poor little baby crying mama

Don't you cry
Go to sleep my little Pine Tree
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little horses

Dapples and greys
Pintos and bays
All the pretty little horses..."

I hum the rhythm the rest of the song. His breathing becomes constant and I can tell that he's asleep. I smile and pet through his hair.

"Hush little baby
Don't you cry
Don't cut your arms
And don't say goodbye
Put down that razor
And put down that knife
It might be hard,
But you'll win this fight..."

He's adorable... I can't let him do this. I'll live for eternity, but for the short eternity that humans live, I want him for as long as possible. I won't let him go yet. Not until he has to go. I can't let him push himself off the edge. I'll keep him up here with me.

We lay there for what feels like forever, and I'm happy with keeping it the way. Forever... eventually, I shut my eyes and fall asleep with him, protecting him from everything...

Holding him forever...


Hahahahhahahahhahahha!! I was so tempted to go downhill with this!! So, so far downhill!! Haha!! Sorry, I love writing the sad stories. Thanks UndeadTilliDie8319 for the idea, you great man.
Anyways, I'll be writing another chapter, almost exactly the same, only my sadness twist with it next chapter.

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