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Its just a baseball game... that's all it is, no biggy. Just a little game with tons of strangers that don't even care about my existence. Besides, the games are only today and tomorrow... oh god!! Why, oh, why does the library have to be haunted? If the library at this school was a normal one, then I would be okay, BUT NO! We can either go into the haunted library and sit there and pray nothing happens, or we can go outside in the blazing sun to 'watch' a game that we know the team will lose. Its a school day! Let us sit in class and slack off, not send us to our pending dooms!

"Come on, Dipper!"

"Mabel, I'm tired and it's hot. Let's just sit in the shade and rest, okay?" She rolls her eyes at me.

"No way, Bro Bro. You need to come meet my friends and maybe find a few of your own." I groan at her response. I don't want to... that requires socializing.

She drags me to the exact opposite side of the area from where we started to this large-ish group of teenagers who look older than us two freshmen. "I brought fresh meat!" Mabel yells. I suddenly get afraid as one- only one, out of those, like, fifty, people- look at me.

He had longish-medium golden- no, not blonde; golden- hair that goes over one of his eyes with a black flat-billed covering the top of it. His eyes almost literally glow blue, and his skin is just at that level of not-so-light-that-my-light-features-kill-you and not-so-dark-that-my-light-features-stick-out-too-much. He wears a yellow hoodie and has the arms rolled up, and his pants and books are just pure black. I marvel in the sight, surprised that he even noticed.

"Mabel? Were you turned into a boy?" He asks as he walks over to me, then notices that Mabel standing right beside me. "There's two of you??" He laughs.

"Hey Bill! This is my twin brother, Dipper." I see her smile out of the corner of my eye, but I just stare at the golden haired boy in front of me, standing much taller than me.

He smirks. "It's cute. I want it." He says, hugging me.

"Bill!" Mabel laughs.

"... okay..." I say, not caring or thinking.


I suddenly feel myself being lifted off of the ground and look and see the boy- Mabel called him Bill- holding me and walking away. I look back and see someone picking up my backpack and I suddenly care.

"Hey!" I yell out. "That's mine!" Bill puts me down and I run after the theif, grabbing my bag back. The theif laughs and Mabel walks over to me.

"Come on, Bro Bro. We're just joking around." She says, wrapping her arm behind my neck. "These are my friends." I slightly smile for a second. She points at 'Bill'. "The one who swept you off of your feet is Bill." Swept me... what? Was that a joke or did she actually mean it in the literal sense? I'm so confused...

"He said I could have him." Bill shrugs. I roll my eyes, looking at him. He just stares at me with those bright eyes, burning through me like blue fire. I look away.

Mabel grins widely. I just walk over to a shady spot and sit, pulling out a book to read.

"Why aren't you in the library if all you're gonna do out here is read?" I look up and see Bill looking down at me.

"It's haunted."

He chuckles. "You're adorable, kid." He takes his hat off and puts in on my head.


"Mabel, not again!" I'm dragged to the place where we were yesterday for the game to 'watch' the finals. This time, though, she's making me ditch for the whole day to stay out there with her friends.

DIPPER X BILL ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now