What Is Love?

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I walk slowly in the rain in my new body. A man, sick of everything, made a deal with me. I send him to his personal utopia if he gave me his body forever. He accepted, luckily, but I don't know what to do with a human body. They get tired and hungry and dirty and stuff... I don't know how to take care of one.

His skin was a little dark compared to a lot of other humans I knew, he had blue eyes, blonde hair, and was pretty in shape. He was also only about nineteen or so. I went to the store to get out of the filthy clothes he had worn and changed into a nice yellow suit-like outfit that somewhat resembled what I looked like as a triangle with a top hat and a cane. I bought a long black coat too, to keep warm, because I know for sure that that's what to do when you get cold. Finally, I got sick of using two eyes, so I covered one with a triangular piece of cloth.

Now, I'm walking to the only place where someone might help. Then again, the twins think I'm gone for good.

I came back, though. Some 'idiot', as people called him summoned me because he wanted me to destroy the world.

He is an idiot. I've giving up trying. Every single time I do, another set of Pines twins comes along and ruins it. All six times I tried... even the ones before the journals were written...

Anyways, the rain feels like it's penatrating my skin. I only laugh. Pain is so funny... but it's what kills these meat sacks.

I trudge to the Mystery Shack in hopes that one of them will believe that I'm not out to hurt anyone.

I overheard, about a week back, that Pine Tree and Shooting Star were coming back for their annual summer trip. They should be here, by now, but I'm still trying to come up with something that let's them believe me.

Well, I just, you know, gave up on trying to take over the world. I haven't really changed much, I guess, but it's not like I'm gonna try to take over your mind or anything. In short, I need your help on trying to be human. Like, how I'm supposed to take care of this meat sack, and what emotions feel like... please help, and please believe me.

Would something along those lines work? I hope so, because I have no other ideas, and the Mystery Shack is now in view.

I take a deep breath in, remembering that breathing is something humans need to do as well. I start towards the Shack and slowly open the door. "Welcome to the Mystery Shack!" A boy, brown hair, a blue jacket, cargo shorts, and brown eyes walks up to me. Is this Pine Tree? All grown up? "Tours are at four, six, and we have a special ten o' clock late creepy tour thing." He says. "What do you need?" He asks me with a smile. I feel a small ping in the place where hearts are in humans at the sight.

"Uh... I just need to talk real quick... to you and your twin." I say slowly.

He raises an eyebrow. "How did you know I have a twin?" I don't answer. He rolls his eyes. "Mabel, I need you down here for a minute."


Pine Tree looks at me. "What's your name?" I smirk, but don't answer.

Shooting Star soon comes into view, a long braid down her back, small shorts, and a baggy long sleeved shirt. "What do you need?" She asks.

"Um... this man wants to talk to us."

"Outside." I add in. They both shrug and follow me outside.

"Alright, now before we even get started, what's your name? For real?"

I smirk again. "You already know me, Pine Tree." His eyes widen in realization and fear, Shooting Star's in confusion. "So you do remember. Miss me?"

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