My Deer

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Monster Falls!!!

Okay, so people put Dipper as the deer/human thing and Mabel as a mermaid...? No logic in that, especially since Ford and Stan are alike, right? Okay, so, in this, Mabel will be like Dipper's monster, only unicorn/human thing, alright? Good. Oh, and Bill's a shapeshifter and is mostly in the weird triangle head thingy form. Ha, you know what I'm talking about. Enjoy, my deer children.


Uuhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggg!!!! It's so boring right now!! Sure, it was fun turning everyone, including myself, into monsters for a day, and it was hilarious watching everyone trying to adjust, and it was even better watching their reactions when they got used to it so I changed it from a day to a month, but now, after a week, I have nothing fun to do. Hmm... maybe I could I bug them some more... or something.

Oh well! Nothing better to do anyways!

I snap my fingers and teleport to the roof of the Shack. No one is outside. I snap myself down and go through the front door.

"BILL GET OUT OF HERE!!!!" I feel something hit the side of my head. I look over and see the wolf Wendy growling at me.

I chuckle. "Oh my... Wendy, why so cruel? You only have three weeks left of this!"

She throws more souvenirs at me. "Our business is low!! I, like, need this money, but we're scaring the customers off because of you!!" I smirk and shrug.

"You just need to calm down and you won't be as scary." She jumps at me. I laugh and duck, making her run into a rack of hats.

"CIPHER!!" I turn around and see Stan as the gargoyle thing looking at me with somewhat rage. "What did you come here for?" I jump up and float.

"I got bored." I tell him, leaning back and putting my hands behind my head.

"You have no place here, you one eyed freak. Get out."

"Ah ah ah! Stanley, you know I could change this spell to last longer than just the three weeks you have left." I smirk. He growls. "I suggest you be a bit more hospitable if you want your body back."

"Bill Cipher, you haven't changed one bit since we let you back."

I laugh. "Hey, I'm not trying to kill anyone or take over the world this time!" He rolls his eyes. "Where's Pine Tree and Shooting Star?" I ask, wanting to see them.

"You leave those kids alone! I ain't telling!" I laugh, giving him a look.

"How long should I expand your time then? A week? A month? A year??"

"Fine!!" I smile. "They went exploring in the woods again..."

"Thanks!! I'm gonna go play with them a bit!!" I snap my fingers and find myself in a random place in the woods. "Pine Tree!!" I call out. No response. I start floating around, looking for the twins. "Shooting Star! Pine Tree! Where are you kids?" I say in a sing-song voice. I suddenly hear a snap of a branch behind me and smile. I turn around and see Dipper running off away from me and stumbling. "Don't think you can escape from me, Pine Tree!!" I teleport right in front of him. He bumps into me and falls back.

"Uhg!!" He rubs his head and looks his head. "Bill!" He shakily stands. "What do you want?" He asks with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Aw, don't be so bitter! I just want to play a bit." He crosses his arms. "Where's Shooting Star?"

"She's off with Candy and Grenda."

I smile. "Well, just you and me play then! How old are you again?"

DIPPER X BILL ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now