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"Bill, I forgot again... tell me how we met..." We lay together, staring at the stars and constellations far above us as I hear the words.

"Jeez, kid... you're unbelievable." I laugh. "I've told you a million times...

"There was this one random day around noon where this kid was sitting in the cold dark dump he called home for the time being while his parents were away. He was just about to bite into some really gross, old piece of food when this really, really, really strange-looking man with only one working eye showed up. He slapped the food out of the boy's hand and offered to take him to his home where there was plenty of food and it was just the right temperature." I smile, recalling the memory. "The boy was reluctant at first, being afraid to talk to a stranger, but couldn't resist the offer of food, warmth, a bed, a bath, and all that other essential human stuff.

"The man took him to his huge house and set up a room for him where he could have anything he wanted. The boy felt spoiled and soon told the man that he couldn't keep accepting gifts.

"'Sir, why are you helping me?' The boy had asked him one day." I look at Pine Tree and notice him listening closely to the story. "The man smiled at the boy. 'Because you deserve it. What did you do to end up on the streets?' The boy didn't know. 'But anyway, I can't keep getting all of this stuff for free, sir. Please tell me how I could pay you back.'

"The man thought about it for a very long time, and I mean a very long time. During this time, he continued to buy the boy more gifts and donated the ones the boy didn't want. Finally, after a long time of thinking about it, the man had come up with something.

"'Be with me, please, and be beside me forever.' The man had fallen in love with the boy, yet there were still things the man hadn't told the boy quite yet. The boy hesitated. 'I will tell you my secrets, I will give you anything, just please say you'll be mine.'

"The boy agreed, eventually. So, the man started telling the boy his deepest, darkest, hidden things. He told the boy that he was a demon and proved it by doing some weird magic stuff and flew around and all that fun stuff. You know, typical demon stuff." He laughs a little bit.

"The boy was frightened, at first, but eventually, the man gained the boy's trust, just as the boy had gained the demon's.

"So they fell in love, happily ever after, the end, blah blah blah, happy lovey-dovey ending or whatever." I don't get happy endings. They're really weird, honestly...

Dipper smiles at my story. "Oh yeah... um... Bill?"


"I've forgot a lot of things..."


"Our first date... first kiss... when my parents kicked me out..." He goes back onto his back and stares at the sky. "Why we chose this spot to stay... where Mabel went..." He takes a long pause. I almost begin speaking before he gets his words. "Why I'm still breathing..."

I don't speak for a second. "Well..." I start, sitting up. "Starting from the top of your list... our first date, I guess you could call it, was going to the movies out of town to see that Hunger Games movie. That one was more along the lines of 'Hey I like this movie, I'm taking you to see it even if you don't like it!', though.

"No, the first official date was when we went to that bar right off of Main Street. At first, we almost couldn't get in. Since I have amazing demon skills that can get us fake identities in a snap, though, I got us in, even though you were underage.

"We had loads of drinks, and your were drunk after the first four drinks. It took me at least eight full bottles to get even a little tipsy.

"After the drunk me got us kicked out for hitting someone with a beer bottle, we started wandering around the town, not knowing where we were going, nor caring where we were. We eventually found ourselves deeply lost in some random part of the woods. Neither of us knew how to get out, but still, neither of us cared. We just sat there and looked up at the stars, finding constellations that we knew and could see.

DIPPER X BILL ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now