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***Third Person***

Bill loved Dipper. He loved him so much, but he showed it in only the worst way. He would hurt the boy. He didn't actually mean what he did, he just didn't know how to control himself. He tried so hard to be sweet, but he was an insane sociopath that didn't know how to be like a loving human.

Dipper loved Bill. He loved him more than anything. He wasn't like most people, though. He knew Bill loved him, no matter how much he hurt him. He had gotten used to the pain after a while. He knew how to cover up the wounds, how to walk well with a pained leg, how to tell a good lie if his face was injured.

Bill was trying. He had been going to people, and they had been showing him how to behave. How to control himself. Many times, he was able to, but he still couldn't keep it in all the time.

"B-bill..." Dipper moans with tears in his eyes. He clenches his hands, wanting to pull them apart but not wanting the handcuffs to cut into his wrists again like they hand last time. He had never enjoyed the pain, but if he wanted to be with Bill, he had to.

Bill bites down harder on Dipper's neck, feeling the warm metallic blood fill him mouth as he hears Dipper's quiet cries of pain.

Stop it. You love him. He's human. You're hurting him, Bill.

He stops, pulling away and watching the blood leak onto the bed like many times before. He gently licks up the red beads until the flow stops. He kisses the human, the taste of blood on his tongue.

Dipper feels the pain slowly subside just as another one starts.

The cycle repeats, just like always.

Afterwards, the couple lay close together, Dipper bruised and beaten again. He deals with it again. For the first time, though, he silently sobs and shakily holds his lover.

"Pine Tree-" Bill starts, intending to apologize, but realizes he's done it too many times.

"Bill, it hurts..." Dipper says, his sob getting louder. "I love you... I love you so much... that's why I still do this. I do this for you, Bill... but... someday... you're going to end up killing me." Bills eyes widen as he looks to his lover. "Bill, whether you like it or not, I'm still human. I'm still mortal... I don't like pain. I don't... I don't know how much more I can physically take, Bill... and Mabel's getting suspicious..." Dipper holds the demon close to him. "I don't want to lose you, Bill... and you don't want to lose me... but that's what's going to happen..."

Bill turns on his side and holds Dipper, tightly and closely. "Pine Tree... I'm trying. I'm trying so hard... I can't control myself sometimes. I can other times... but... when I hold you, I want to hold you forever. I don't want you to go... and then I hold you so tight, you struggle to breath, or something breaks..." He let's go of his tight grip and moves an inch away. Dipper holds his hand. "I can't get over loving to watch people suffer... it fills me with too much joy... but when I hear you, I back off as much as possible. I really and truly love you Pine Tree... I want to love you like a normal human... and I'm trying... I'm sorry..." Bill sits up. "I'm sorry for everything." He stands and grabs a pair of clothes. "I'm sorry for the pain." He starts walking towards the bathroom door. "I'm sorry I came back." When he reaches the bathroom door, he pauses and looks back. "I'm sorry I fell in love with you." He walks in, closing the door behind him.

Dipper just lays there in silence. He feels his wounds and winces every time he touches another one. They would be harder to cover up this time... harder to hide from everyone else.

But he would do it. He would do it for Bill. He would do anything for Bill. Bill was his life, and he was afraid that he go too far if he didn't do everything he asked. So far... that he would never come back again.

He slowly sits up, reaching shakily for his bedside table. In it, he has all the stuff need in a first aid kit and more. He wraps his wrists, upper arms, left shin, and right foot, cleans the bite marks that are almost literally everywhere, wraps them, and gets some pajamas on to hide the bruises. He goes back to the bed and lays down, falling soundly asleep.

Bill stares at himself in the mirror. "You're a piece of shit." He talks to his reflection. "A waste of space and time. You're worthless, and you hurt the only one you love... the only one who loves you. You're going to end up killing him before he dies naturally, like all humans. You'll never have him again. You shouldn't have left the second dimension. You should've just stayed there for ever. You deserve it. Pine Tree is hurting so much because of you. He loves you. Do you really love him back? You're willing to put him through all of this suffering. I don't think you do. Why don't you just waltz your way back to where you came from, eh? Save him from the eternal misery you've already given him a taste of."

He feels a tear run down his face at his own words. He thought he was right. He thought that because he hurt Pine Tree, he didn't love him. He thought he was terrible. He thought that Pine Tree couldn't stand him.

"Why, though? Why would he stay? Why would he let himself be abused? Why would he hide the wounds and the marks and the bruises? Why would he do it all for a pathetic lowlife demon who can't control himself? Why?"

He stays in the bathroom, his mind fighting with itself before he finally decides to exit the bathroom. He goes over to the bed where Dipper lays silently and innocently. He sighs and lays down beside him- close, but not too close.

"Please... always remember that I love you... I may hurt you... I don't mean it, though. I really love you... I never want to let you go, Pine Tree... I will never let anything bad happen to you... I promise... just please... remember that I love you..."

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