Bullied...? (Part Two)

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Okay, no smut or anything, but possible trigger. (Fresh scars from cutting/fresh cuts, almost suicide [...?] included)


I walk to my locker and put my books in it, hoping for today to be a normal day.

... who am I kidding? With Bill, it won't be normal... ever. Since that one day... that he... yeah... he hasn't been doing anything during lunch as often. He's been stopping me in the halls, instead, feeling me up and going as far as to making out with me in front of everyone. People would stare at us, some quietly and lowkey laughing and making fun of us. He holds my hands to class and sits close beside me all the time during the classes he has with me... he walks me home on the weekdays and stays over on the weekends, sometimes.

And whether I want to admit it or not... it makes me feel just slightly safer when he's around. He's not very scary or anything; he just makes me feel safer to be around. I'll never say it out loud, especially since if I said that, it would come out as if I was falling for him. Hard.

Next week... next week, mum and dad will be gone for a while with Mabel because she needs to get surgery, mum is going with her, and dad has work up there that weekend, coincidentally. I can't miss school... and they don't want to leave me alone... and all other family I have is elsewhere... I need to ask someone, but the three friends I had left me because they saw Bill kissing me in the hall, and they didn't want to be friends with a 'faggot'. Bill's the only person who even talks to me anymore, even if it's all dirty and seductive.

I need to ask him, even if it ends up with him... again... I can't be alone, or else I will freak out.

I watch the blonde walk towards me out of the corner of my eye. I turn in his direction with my head down.

"Afternoon, Pine Tree," He wraps one of his arms around my shoulder.

We start walking as I slowly build up the courage to tell him. "B-bill," I stutter, my voiced cracked. He looks at me. "My parents and sister will be gone for a while... and I can't be alone... and I don't have any friends any more."

He smirks at me. "Well, coincidentally, my parents are leaving out for a while for their anniversary," Oh... so... he will be open... "Would you like to stay at my house for that time, then?" I slowly nod as we reach the lunch room. "This should be fun. We'll have the whole house to ourselves," I hide my blush as we walk into the cafeteria. We go to our regular table and sit, him still with his arm around me. "Do you have your own food?" I shake my head. He pulls out a bag from his backpack and open it, revealing a regular lunch, only doubled. "I guessed so," He gives me one half of all of it. I reluctantly take it and start eating. He snakes his arm down to my side and, every once in a while, kisses the side of my head. He does this everyday...

I feel warm with him. I'm usually cold, but because he holds me all the time, he keeps me warm... I shouldn't be. He hurts me, does things without my consent. He took all of my friends and has basically made me his personal slave.

But he still keeps me warm... still keeps me safe... and I can't help but thank him in silence, through everything he's done. No one else picks on me anymore, and I was able to tell my true friends from the hateful and fake ones. I can't help but slightly be greatful.

I still dislike him more than everyone I know, even though I don't really know many people.

"Hey," My thoughts are disrupted by the sound of Bill's voice. I slightly look at him through the corner or my eye. "You're getting a little lost there. Daydreaming about me?" He smirks, kissing the side of my head. I just sit there without responding to his remark. I finish my food and let him continue his.

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