Sunday (Part two)

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***BILL'S POV***

I open my eyes and look up. Immediately, I see Dipper Pines standing above me. He hands me a small black sticky thingy shaped like a triangle.

Am I actually awake, or...

"Put this on your eye. The weird one. Customers will freak out if they see it." Customers? "Just take it." I reach up and grab the triangle thing and put it on my eye. It sticks immediately and it feels great to have one eye. "That'll work for now. Get up. You're gonna work in the Shack for the week." I stand like he told me to.

I don't want to be any human's slave, but if it gets me a place to stay for a while, I'll deal with it. He hands me a green shirt and I stare at it. "Do I have to?"

"Do you have anything else to wear?"

"The shirt I'm wearing right now."

"That's my shirt."

I sigh and take the white shirt off and replace it with the green question mark on it. I'm wearing the same thing as Question Mark himself...

"Okay, you'll be taking over Mabel's job until she gets back on Wednesday."

"Where did Shoot- Mabel... where did Mabel go, anyways?"

For a second, he glares at me. He probably doesn't want me calling any of them by the nicknames I gave them... "She went on a trip with her friends. A few days of a collage visit trip, I think..." He looks a little upset... he doesn't want her to go, does he? "Here. I don't know if they'll fit you, but it's all I have." He hands me a pair of the shoes that show your toes and stuff. I put them on and look at him. "Good enough. Come on." He leads me out of the room and downstairs to the gift shop. He hands me a broom. "You need to sweep three times a day- morning, noon, and evening. In between those times, you have to work the register."

"Who works the register during my sweeping times?"


"Does anyone else work here?"

"Soos. He's Mr. Mystery now. He gives the tours." I nod.

"What happened to um... Wendy?"

"She moved out of town..." It goes silent for a second. "Start sweeping. Shack opens at eight." I nod.

"Dipper, have you seen my suit jacket? I can't find it anywhere." I look up and see the big guy- uh... Soos, I think- walk in. He looks at me and I awkwardly stare at him. "Uh... Dipper, who's this? And why does he only have one eye? Is he a pirate??"

Dipper walks over to him. "Don't worry man, he's just temporary help in the Shack. His name is..." He looks like he's at a loss. He doesn't want to call me Bill because then Soos would know, but he can't come up with a name.

I say the first thing that pops into my head. "William." I gulp. Dipper looks nervous, but sort of smiles anyways. "William Caesar."

Soos smiles as if nothing's wrong. "Nice to meet you, dude. Great to have you here to help." He walks over and shakes my hand like a normal human. I smile nervously. "So what did happen to your eye? And WOAH DUDE you have pointed ears!!" My eye widens.

"I, um... I..." I think for a quick second. "I fell out of a tree one time. Tree climbing. With friends. And I fell." I gulp. "Yeah, and um... I was born with these ears. It's weird."

I smile, even more nervously. "Wow. I never knew tree climbing would be so dangerous..." I sigh. He's not that smart, is he? "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you. I'll see you later, dude, I need to start preparing for the tours." He walks away. I sigh in relief.

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