Beautiful Sight

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***Dipper's POV***

"Alright everyone, get out! This is now official military grounds, so get out of here now!" A soldier barks orders at us. The teacher in our small classroom is the first to rush out of the door. Soon, most of the students follow after her. I get up after a little, terrified of moving since I had no one near me.

We're going to die. All of us, we're all gonna die. There is nothing that we can do.

The war started sometime last year. What it's for, I can't remember, but enough people made a big enough deal out of it for America to come to this. Eventually, it spread across the whole country, landing a huge battle in this small town of Gravity Falls. I, along with many other students, am currently in the high school building, getting kicked out. One of the sides is making it their fort, so we're not safe. The outside is worse.

I search for three people in specific, my friend Wendy, my sister Mabel, and my boyfriend Bill. It's such a shame... A shame we'll all be dead... I wholeheartedly believe that after a year and eight months- with some extra days sprinkled in there- that I fell in love with this boy. Genuinely fell in love, despite the differences and opposing zodiac signs.

As I search for the three most important people in my life, I watch other kids get shot down, somehow mistaken for soldiers. Many people scream. I look away and hold back any and all feeling so I don't hurt myself any more. I look around desperately before bumping into someone. I stumble back and fall, closing my eyes and immediately thinking that this is it for me. I've bumped into soldier and they're gonna kill me.

Despite my thoughts, I hear no gunshot, not feel any pains. I slowly open my eyes.

"Pine Tree?" Bill stands above me, a huge look of relief on his face. I smile, seeing that I found him. He helps me up. "Dipper, we need to go somewhere else, they will kill us."

"What about Mabel and Wendy?" I say, worried for them. He looks down.

"I saw Wendy's corpse while searching for you..." My eyes widen as my stomach turns. My immediate thought following that is Mabel. He seems to read my mind as he continues. "I watched Shooting Star escape early. I'm sorry about Wendy though..." I feel a tear fall from my face. He doesn't really like Wendy, but I can see his statement is genuine. "Really though, we need to leave now."

I nod at his statement and wipe away the tear as he grabs my hand. We start sneaking through the halls, trying not to step on the endless corpses carpeting the floors. We make it to an empty classroom with a window leading to an unmanned exit. We rush out, going to the parking lot to get to my car. We reach it, and I start it up, immediately driving out of here.

"Where do we go?" Bill asks me.

I think for a minute, suddenly coming up with a good place to go. "Trust me, I know a place."

After a very short amount of time, the car breaks down. Of all times to break down, it has to be now. Of course. We jump out as fast as possible and start running off to find a new car. In the process, we run right into a wave of people running from something. Bill tries to keep a hold of my hand, but something tears us apart.

"Bill!!" I scream, trying to catch a glimpse of him and go back towards him, but the crowd is too strong, too desperate to get away from whatever was chasing them. I suddenly feel a hand in mine and turn, hoping to see Bill. Instead, I see Mabel. I smile for a second, but she starts tugging on me.

"Dipper we need to go!!!!" She yells. We progress in the crowd, when I suddenly hear her yell, "Look out!!!"

It all happened in no time at all, yet lasted forever. I turned to look in front of me and saw a large scrap of metal flying towards me. My eyes widened and my legs froze.

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