Wednesday (Part Five)

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***BILL'S POV***

I open my eye once again to find Dipper in my arms. This time, we're laying down on the floor of the attic rather than sitting in a chair downstairs. I can't stop staring at him. He's adorable, and I hate it. Even if I'm 'better' now about humans and this dimension and I can't take over the world, I can't start actually liking them... I have to only pretend I like them. He's making this hard. He was a cute kid, yes, but he was sweaty and overly paranoid then. Why can't he be the same now? Now he's a bit calmer, but a little stressed, and he grew up to be pretty good looking for a human. This is really starting to get to me... I hate it... when I get my powers back, I'm taking this whole place over, but if I die as a human before that time comes, I won't be able to. I'll be dead. I have to be nice... do what Pine Tree says so I don't die in the wilderness until I know how to take care of myself...

But he's messing all of it up. I think about leaving and it feels wrong. I think about ruling this world and I can't imagine Gravity Falls getting messed up again- except, maybe for Nate... goddamnit, I want it to stop!

Even through thinking all of this, I don't leave. He's still too cute for me to go...

I look at the time and see how early it is. I should wake him up so he doesn't freak out like he did yesterday... not yet, though. It's too early. I lay there and wait, looking at him and thinking.

What if, just maybe... I actually did try to... to be a human... to actually be the William Caesar character I came up with... maybe... not care if I got my powers back... what if I became a human fully... tried to look normal... hide my ears, make my teeth dull... try to be normal...

Suddenly, there's a loud noise coming from where his bed is. I look at it while he groans and rolls over, hitting the floor boards. He mumbles something, then sits up. He looks at me, then the alarm, then at the floor.

"Oh..." He says, standing. I sit up and watch him. He opens a drawer and pulls out some clothes. Then, he looks at me. "You're probably disgusting... go take a shower..." He tells me, throwing a pair of shorts and a golden shirt at me, along with another pair of underwear. I blink a few times, not knowing what to do. He groans again. "You're not a fucking baby, William, go turn on the water and clean yourself.

I stare at him for a bit. "I've never done this. What do I do?"

He groans for a third time and walks over to me. I stand with the clothes in my hands and he brings me to a door leading to an upstairs bathroom. He opens a curtain. "What you do is turn this on," He turns a knob and water starts running out of the thing at the top. "Then you get undressed. You can do that when I'm out of here. Then, get in and take the tube of soap and clean yourself with it. The end, have fun, don't hurt yourself." He walks out of the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

I look at the water and get undressed. I go inside and stand there for a bit, getting myself wet everywhere. It feels weird... after a bit, I take the soap tubes and start washing myself. There's bubbles everywhere and it looks kinda cool. After I'm done, I get back in the water until there's no more bubbles. When it's all done, I leave the shower and look around.

"Turn it off when you're done, and dry yourself off with a towel!" I hear him yell from outside of the door. I do as he says, looking for a towel. When I find one, I dry myself off and put on the clothes. I finish and leave the room.

He looks at me, already dressed for the day. "Much better." We go downstairs. Soos immediately comes up to us.

"Dudes!!! Mabel's here!!!" I look at Dipper, who widens his eyes and smiles. "She's in the living room waiting!" Dipper rushes to the living room, and I follow behind, walking normally. When I get to the living room, I see the two siblings hugging, so I smile. Dipper looks at me.

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