Block by Boring Block

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"Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnne Treeeeeeeee!" I whine, laying myself across the chair in the living room and staring at Pine Tree. He just grabs popcorn from the kitchen and stares at me when he enters back in. "I don't know what to do!! I'm bored, and you're being a jerk and won't let me play on the Xbox with you." He rolls his eyes.

"Move it, Cipher." I groan and it up, sitting on the arm of the chair as he sits in the comfy part of it. "Let's just watch a movie or something."

"I've seen all the movies in this house."

"Then let's watch a TV show or something."


"God damn it, Bill!" He yells at me. "Fine! You know what? Fine! We'll play on the Xbox!" I smile and hug him tightly.


"Don't get too excited. I don't have many games."

He turns on the console and hands me one of the controllers. He signs in and makes me sign in as the guest. He goes to his games and shows me his collection.

There's like five things there. Five. Three, if you're only counting the multi-player ones.

"Minecraft, Halo, or Dungeon Defenders?"

"That's all you have? What about the cool shooting games where you have to run from the cops?? What about the ones where you kill people and it shows their blood?? What about all the cool games??" He rolls his eyes at my reaction.

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't play games that often. You get to kill aliens in Halo, monsters in Minecraft, and trolls and such in Dungeon Defenders." I pout. "Chose one. Red Dead Redemption and Assassin's Creed are single players, so those are off the list."

My arms are still crossed, but I look at the games and chose one anyway. "Halo. Then, if I don't like it, Dungeon Defenders. Then Minecraft."

He chose the game and it starts up, showing a destroyed planet. Maybe it will be okay...

"Before we actually play, I'll teach you the controls." I nod. He teaches me how to shoot, run, sprint, jump, use the packs, change weapons, reload, aim, etcetera, etcetera. We start up playing the actual games, going in a specific order, trying not to die. We shoot stuff, they shoot back, and I get real bored real quick.

"Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnne Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I put the controller in my lap and lean on him again. "I don't like this one!"

He groans. "Quit complaining and just casually ask if we can change it." I roll my eyes.

"Can we please change it to the next game?"

We repeat the process with Dungeon Defenders, almost exactly the same way. He shows me how to play and we start and I don't like it, so I whine again. "Bill!" He yells at me for complaining and not asking again.

So I ask him again politely. He grumbles as he switches the games, yet again, to the last one- Minecraft. "If you complain about this one too, then no more games, understood?" I nod and just listen closely as he shows me how to play.

This one... this one I like. It's weird, and I'm not sure why I like it, but it's fun. We kill stuff as weird block things and we build stuff and take it down and it all defies the laws of gravity and physics!! Plus, you can colour the sheep!!! It's so weird!!! And cool!!!

I decided, after a while, what I was going to do after I finished making a fully functional house, but I needed a lot of black, white, yellow, and red blocks. I ask Pine Tree for some, but he refused to give me any. I ended up stealing them from him. He yelled at me again, and I made it to where it would be completely impossible for anyone but me to see my screen as I start building.

It takes about half an hour. "Bill, I'm ready to get off, I'll just see what you made tomorrow."

"NO!" I say, grabbing his arm. "I'm almost done, just give me two more minutes!" He sighs.

"Fine..." I smile as I continue my work, making it all look good.

"Alright!!" I sign out and grab his controller. I start making my way to the spot where I bulit. Eventually, I get close. "Close your eyes, this is a big surprise." I watch him roll and close his eyes. I smile and get the game set up perfectly to see exactly everything I made. "Okay! Open!" He does slowly. When he sees the screen, his eyes widen.

I had burned down a small area of the forest and made three things.

I made a pyramid with an eye, hat, and bow to symbolize me on the right, grew a pine tree on the left to be Pine Tree, and in between them, I made a 3D heart.

I smile at him. He just stares at the screen, his face turning slightly pink. I quickly lean over and kiss his cheek. He looks at me as I smirk.

"Bill...?" I change into a smile, closing my eyes. Suddenly, I feel lips on my own as I get tackled in a hug by the meat sack beside me. I smile as he pulls away, turning red now. He just hugs me, burying his face in my shoulder. I hug him back and kiss his head. "Do... do you remember that night... when you...?"

"The one where you got scared of the zombies and the spiders, and so you crawled into bed with me and wouldn't let go of me?"

"Yeah... that one..." He takes a deep breath in. "It was those things from this game... they came real and fused and were really creepy and everything... I was really fragile that night..."

"You panicked when I got too close. You almost passed out when I touched your arm. You did when I kissed you."

He holds me tighter, trying to make sure I don't see his face. "I didn't mean to... I just brought it up... cause it all just seems a bit too familiar. I slightly look over at the screen with the thing I made for him and see the zombie and spider attacking his character. I slightly chuckle.

"You gonna pass out again?" I joke.

He doesn't say a word. We just stay there for a while, hugging and holding each other. It's calm...

And I love it...


Base idea from: @JadeWuest
Thanks, my child.

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