Let's Catch Up

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Let's Catch Up

Chapter 1

Simon's POV

 It's been weeks since I've heard from Demi. We normally talk at twice twice a week, but clearly that's changed. I've seen nonstop images of her and that damn Wilmer together as well as ones for her upcoming tour with Nick Jonas. I worry that Wilmer holds Demi on a tightrope, constantly pulling her towards himself. Like when she's with Nick Jonas, it's okay because Nick's been her friend since they were kids. He's a lot better to her than Wilmer is (mainly because he's not interested in her romantically.)

    Not being able to look at another single photo of Demi at the current moment, I go to my contacts and pause at her name. It takes me a minute before I get the courage to call. Demi picks up on the third ring. "Simey!" Demi screams into the phone. I laugh and shout "Demi!" even louder. "It feels like it's been ages since I've talked to you. I miss you." I smile at that. "I miss you too. I was actually wondering if you wanted to get together soon. I'd love to catch up."

      "That'd be great. Are you free tonight?" "I am actually. I have a meeting with One Direction at 3 but it should be finished by 5. I can pick you up at 6 and we can go out to dinner. Does that work?" "Absolutely. See you then Simey!" We exchange goodbyes and I hang up the phone. I close the blinds on my office door and do a happy dance like a giddy five year old boy. 

        I catch myself in the process and stop.  I tell myself "Simon, it is great that you're happy, but you need to control yourself tonight. You are 56 years old and Demi is merely 23. You are old enough to be her father, possibly even her grandfather. The last thing you want to do is scare her off and piss off Wilmer. He's already suspicious of me enough as it is." I sigh. God feelings complicate everything.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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