Chapter 1

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I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

I woke up to my alarm and shut it off, I freaking love that song. After I was done getting used to the sun light shining into my room I made my way to the bathroom and took a good look in the mirror

"Why the hell did they call it beauty sleep if you wake up like this?" I asked myself thinking about it before taking a bath and getting ready for school. When I was done I took another look in the mirror

"There we go" I smiled at myself. My long brown hair, light chocolate brown eyes, and curves that went exactly in the right place

"If Edward were real" I sighed. He'd definitely drop Bella from me. I was kinda a twilight fan just a small one though. When I was done admiring myself in the mirror I headed downstairs where mom was putting down my plate of eggs

"Morning honey" she said happily

"Hi mom" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek before devouring my eggs. I loved my mom she had to be the strongest women I know

"You look good today" she said eating her own food

"So I don't look good everyday" I asked her

"You have some days when you just-"she started

"Mom" I exclaimed while she laughed. She's strong, but that's not to say she's wasn't a total goofball sometimes

"I'm sorry honey, you know I didn't mean it" she apologized still smiling

"I know, someone's just happy that they finally get so see the captain" I smiled at her and she smiled so hard that she looked like the joker.

After 30 years of being in the army my father was finally coming back this week and even though I was happy about it no one was happier than my mom, she's been up and down the house trying to make sure that everything is ready for him to come back. And I can't blame her all that time away from the man you love, always looking at the phone in case something happened to him was complete torture for her, but she's finally gonna have him back

"I am, you're buying the turkey after school right?" she asked me again

"Yes mom I'm getting the turkey after school" I said rolling my yes

"Ok, I'm just so excited" she said somehow finding a way to smile more while I noticed I got a text a text

"Alright well I have to go pick up Laura" I told her getting up and putting my dish away

"Alright honey, have a good day" she shouted while I got out the door and hopped into my little red 2013 corolla and headed off to Laura's house

"Hey" I greeted her when she got in my car.

"What's up, what took you so long?" she asked

"Nothing me and mom just talking about my dad" I told her rolling out her drive. Laura was my best girlfriend she was pretty, smart, funny, and really athletic

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