Chapter: 47

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Jude pov

"You fucking son of a bitch" I cursed while I my wolf growled in anger hearing Asher's voice. He was supposed to be here with his pack, Simon even confirmed it.

"Don't talk to daddy like that you stupid mutt!" I suddenly heard the little girl shout forcing me to hold the phone away from my ear.

"And I swear to god if you touch one hair on my mommy's head, i'm going to burn you to a crisp. do you hear me? I'm talking to you mutt!" she shouted making me growl about to break my phone in anger.

"Hey" Asher suddenly called out getting my attention hearing the seriousness in his voice.

"right now, I beat she's smiling, isn't she?" he asked forcing me to look towards Emma, only to see the largest smile i've ever seen on her face causing a pang deep within my chest.

"As-" she started till I covered her mouth with my hand.

"She's too busy crying over the death of her old friends, but she'll get over it just like she'll get over you after I kill your sorry ass!" I shouted before throwing my phone to the ground and smashing it to pieces. I wish I could do the same to that pricks stupid face.

"It's over Jude" I suddenly heard making me freeze before turning to Emma, who was only giving me a look of pity. The fear and pain that was once in her eyes gone.

"Just call off you pack, and maybe we can work something out".

"... work something out?" I asked staring at Emma before quickly grabbing her arm and making her look out onto the battle field.

"Does it fucking look like I need to work something out with that damn lizard. I've already won!".

It was obvious that when it came to skilled fighters Emma's old pack members were superior, but I had the numbers and with Maxwell's weak ass wolves we were clearly pushing them back. And even if the asshole managed to fly here as fast as he could there was no way he wasn't going to lose a single-

Suddenly in the middle of my thoughts, I felt a chill go up my spine making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end while my wolf got on guard.

'What the fuck is that' my wolf growled on edge while I quickly sniffed the air trying to determine the scent, only to get nothing but what smelt like pure musk... Alpha level musk.

"Aroooooooooooooooooooooo" a howl broke out getting my attention while I quickly moved Emma behind me to keep her safe as I stared out into the forest.

Than out of nowhere I saw nine creatures running onto the battle field. They were huge and fury with beady red eyes and razor-sharp teeth, along with gnarly looking claws.

The moment they stepped onto the field, I was forced to watch as the members of my pack started to fall. The monsters were carving through them like they were nothing, and from the way they were helping the enemy it was clear whose side they were on.

That damn fucking douchebag

"What the fuck are those things!?" I asked turning to Emma.

"Where the fuck did that asshole find them!?" I demanded. But from the look in Emma's eyes, I could tell she had no idea what was going on either. But that only annoyed me even more.

'Alpha, we're being pushed back!' Simon exclaimed through the link making me look down at the fight only to see it was true. It wasn't by much, but now that those things were on the battlefield the douche bag's pack was managing to push my men back pissing me off.

They want my Emma

'Kill them' my wolf growled

'I want all men and women capable of shifting on the battlefield now!'.

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