Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning frowning a little cause the scent on my jacket was pretty much gone after all I did with it yesterday, but then thinking back I remembered that my dad was here and it brought a smile to my face. I quickly got ready before heading downstairs to make sure that it wasn't a dream

"Hi dad" I smiled while kissing him on the cheek

"Morning angel" he smiled at me while eating an apple with one hand and holding moms hand in the other

"It's so good having you here" I sighed glad that our family was complete again

"I know" he smiled

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked them

"Don't you have school?" he asked raising an eyebrow at me

"Come on henry, you really think she wants to go to school? Or me to work?" mom asked dad and he just smiled

"Alright you can stay" he announced

"Thank you captain" I saluted him and he shook his head

"By the way what do we do about the vacuum cleaner?" dad asked nodding towards the living room

"Be nice" mom told him.

"He practically inhaled everything last night" dad exclaimed

"Cause you did any better?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Last night it was like him and Asher were in an eating contest. My dad I get, he probably didn't eat the whole trip back just so he could eat my mom's food. Asher on the other hand must really have a high metabolism to pack it in like he does

"You want to drop and give me 50?" dad asked half serious

"I'll be good and wake him up" I said before scurrying along to find Asher in the living room sleeping peacefully and I smiled at the look on his face. Like this he wasn't so cold

"Asher" I cooed waking him up

"What?" he groaned rubbing his eyes. It's like he doesn't know how to say hi sometimes

"It morning, you want to eat something?" I asked while he got up and stretched

"I guess" he sighed before getting a blow pop out of his pocket. I don't even bothering wondering how he fits so many in there any more

"That's not it is it?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Hmmmmm" he said while walking to the kitchen. he really wasn't a morning person

"Morning Asher" mom greeted

"Hmmmm" he replayed

"You gotta love the manners on this kid" dad sighed

"Tell me about it" I sighed while Asher started cooking. And my mouth started to water, I knew exactly what he was about to make

"I won't do anything less you ask" he said not turning around

"Please?" I asked him

"Make it three?" mom asked since dad was probably too proud to

"As you wish" he sighed as we all watched him at work. Asher was actually also a really good cook even though he doesn't do it often

"Here" he said setting the plates down in front of us and we all stared at the golden omelets taking it all in as we started eating and me and mom moaned at the fluffiness of it. He somehow got everything right. The right amount of bacon so it wasn't too much egg, the perfect amount of peppers so it tasted a bit spicy and the right pinch of mint just for zest

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