Chapter 44

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Jude pov

"Emma everything ok in there?" I asked knocking at the bathroom door only to hear nothing but silence while her heart beat speed up

".......Emma, I asked you a question" I pointed out, but she was still silent annoying me. I tried to open the door only for it to quickly be slammed back making me growl pissed off ready to break the door down

"T-the dress doesn't fit!" she suddenly exclaimed confusing me

"That's one of your dresses"

"I've lost a few pounds since than...... P-please don't come in" she stuttered nervously her heart beating faster than before making me smile a bit

"This brings back memories doesn't it" I pointed out before walking over to my dresser to grab a shirt and some gym shorts

I wanted to see my little Emma in the dress, but I suppose anything is good. Soon she won't even need clothes anyway

The thought alone made my wolf growl lowly, while I felt myself hardened at the thought of ravishing Emma for nights on end just like we used to when she was here......... Before the douche stole her away from me

'Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him' my wolf chanted making my blood boil, but I quickly calmed myself down

"Not yet, soon" I quickly promised and for the moment he was silent while I walked back over to the bathroom door

"I have your clothes" I announced knocking on the door lightly and Emma was silent for a moment before opening a small crack in the door letting her heavenly after shower aroma escape before quickly grabbing the clothes from me and closing the door again

I growled lowly again staring at the door and doing my very best not to dig my nails into the wall out of excitement. I finally got the room looking perfect for Emma, the last thing that we needed was a scratch in our love nest

A few moments later Emma finally opened the door to the bathroom revealing herself in all her perfection, since she's been gone i've noticed slight chances here and there. Emma's once long brown hair was now darker and seemed to be longer reaching her lower back, her once light chocolate brown eyes now had flecks of gold in them, and her body somehow looked better than before, she now had slightly defined muscles on her arms and legs, but what really caught my attention was the light four pack on her cute little stomach

Before she closed the door I manage to get a glimpse of her body in a refection through the mirror, but I plan to thoroughly examine for myself to see just how much actually changed with my mate

"You look so beautiful" I said stunned before I noticed her check only to see the red mark from before was gone making me smile before I rushed over to her and pulled her into my embrace, she tried to get away, but I only tightened my hold around her while taking in her scent

Earlier that bastards scent was still on her but with the bath I mad her take, all I could smell was my mate now

"P-pl-" Emma started

"I've missed this" I said honestly petting her head while I felt the spark between us

"Just the two of us holding each other like this...... it's like fate"

"........... Jude-" she started

"I should show you around" I realized before looking down at her to see her looking at me both worried and confused making me smile

"Don't worry, it'll just be you and me. Nobody is even going to look at you wrong, they know what I'd do if they did" I reassured before taking her hand and guiding her out the door where we found three guards waiting outside

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