Chapter 4

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It's been a while since I almost got raped. It was kinda hard going outside for a while but I soon grew a pair and finally went out. although I'm still paranoid when I do, so is my dad so he now he has me carrying around pepper spray and even taught me some defensive moves to use on anyone who tries to touch me the wrong way, so now I was armed and dangerous

"Hey" I greeted Laura and Dan when got into her car that was finally fixed. I don't really like to go anywhere by myself anymore and once I told Laura what happened to me she was more than happy to give me rides

"What's up, you got your stuff?" she asked me as she pulled out of the drive

"Always" I said patting my bag

"I still think a gun would've been better" Dan said again

"Yes my dad is going to give me a gun to carry to school, that's what he's been fighting for overseas" I said sarcastically

"I'm just saying" he defended

"She doesn't need a gun she has us" Laura told him

"Not all of you" I mumbled sadly. The rest of the drive was pretty silent after that. When we got to class I looked around to see if Asher finally showed up, but like he's been doing for a while now he hasn't

"Still not here" Dan noticed while we took our seats

"He won't even pick up when I call" I sighed. Ever since I almost got raped Asher's has been ignoring me, but only because I haven't told him about it.

He always does stuff like this when I keep big secrets away from him. Once when I had a really bad fever and had to stay home for a week I lied to him and said that I was only skipping school, he ignored me for two weeks after I got better the day he came over to visit me. The fact that only Dan and Laura know what happened between me and Roy doesn't help the situation

"Why not tell him?" Dan asked

"If I do he might go crazy and try to kill Roy or something" I told them

"I think he might have already done that" Laura told me and I was confused till she showed me a picture of Roy, he was beaten up bad. It was like he was run over by a truck or something

"Shit, Asher did this" I said looking at Roy on the hospital bed

"Looks like it, maybe you should stay away from Asher for a while" Dan told me and I thought about it. Asher was obviously pissed he might need his space

The rest of the day I contemplated on whether or not I should go find Asher till lunch finally came along. Laura tried getting me to come with her to, but I just lied about having to see the principle and went to the gym where sure enough there was a guy in the bleachers with his shades on sleeping. I cautiously made my way up to him and gently shook him

"Asher" I called and he turned to me only to turn away

"Come on Asher, you can't ignore me forever" I whined, but he only stretched while going down the bleachers. we both knew that he could if he wanted to

"Asher please don't be like that" I said going down with him, but he didn't even look at me

"Fine if you don't want to talk than-" I started about to bluff only to trip on a discarded pencil and almost fell over, but Asher caught me in time and steadied me

"Thank you" I told him clutching my chest. I'm really starting to hate stairs. He just looked at me for a minute before he got off the last one and started walking out

"Asher wait" I called out for him just as he was about to leave

"I almost got raped ok" I shouted having enough of him ignoring me and he stopped

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