Chapter: Epilogue

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*4 years later*

Asher pov

"I can't thank you enough for this Asher" Liam thanked me for the thousandth time as I walked up out to his car.

"It's not a big deal Liam, I didn't need it anyway" I shrugged as I flicked away my blow pop stick

"I know you didn't, but it's still a very expensive mansion" Liam pointed out

"I bought it decades ago, its probably filled with dust by now, you'll make better use out of it"

"Still I can't thank you enough, but if you and Emma ever decide to have another child i'm sure-" Liam started

"Get out of my house" I deadpanned making him chuckle to himself before he hopped into his car and soon drove out of the garage while I only sighed tired till I realized something.

Aside from this morning in bed, I haven't seen Emma all day... she even missed out on training this morning with the pups for the first time in years

'Cora where's Emma?'

'You're asking me? Didn't I tell you that i'm having a mommy and me day with jack jack' she pointed out

'...I've been meaning to talk to you about that nickname for your child'

'Shut up, it's cute and I haven't seen Emma. Check with Scarlett' she said before cutting off the link making me sigh, but head over to the forest to find her outside in her usual clearing.

"Scarlett, i'm telling you that I can't bend that way!" Calvin exclaimed irritated covered in dirt

"And i'm telling you, to at least try. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you can't be flexible" Scarlett pointed out glaring up at Calvin

"Well this man is tired of falling down over and over again, because you can't keep the routine simple. And why does everyone else get easier parts each year, but I get all the hard parts" Calvin exclaimed gesturing to the other four who were watching the argument as if it was a tv drama.

"Because you're my partner and I expect more out of you Kevin" Scarlett exclaimed while Calvin's face started to turn bright red.

"It's Cal-" he started till I grew bored

"Scarlett" I called out getting her attention

"Daddy!" she exclaimed before rushing over to hug me

"I'm looking for Emma have you seen her" I asked while petting her head only for her to look up at me with a pout.

"All you ever do is worry about mommy these days. I'm your daughter first you know" she pointed out while I sighed rolling my eye

"Yes yes, and you're always going to be my daughter, but have you seen Emma?"

"I think I saw her in the kitchen a while ago" Scarlett announced oddly happily

"I was just in the pack house" I said with a sigh before noticing the glare I was getting from Calvin

'If you don't like her giving me this much attention, do something about it you fool' I said over the link making him narrow his eyes at me.

'I don't know what you're talking about old man' he shot back at me making me roll my eyes again.

"I need to find your mother, i'll see you later" I said before kissing Scarlett on the forehead

"Alright, bye daddy. Alright from the top this time and let's do it right so we can win the talent show this year" Scarlett cheered making everyone do the same.

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