Chapter 13

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Emma pov

It's been two weeks since I've told Jude that I love him and it's been perfect he treats me like a queen always trying to do things for me, always making sure I'm happy, never leaving my side unless it was important pack stuff. I was in heaven like this. I wonder how he'd treat me if I got pregnant

"Emma" Laura said snapping me out of my thought

"Yeah?" I asked confused

"The bell rung it's time to go" she announced and I looked around to see everyone leaving. I was at school today, but since Jude had to say at the pack house I've been doing nothing but day dream about him

"Oh" I said getting up

"Can't stop thinking about alpha huh?" she asked me

"The bond keeps getting stronger" I sighed smiling

"That's so cute" she told me

"Shut up" I said playfully pushing her but stopped laughing when I saw Asher's parking space. Nobody dares takes it even though he's been gone for four weeks now

"Still no word?" Laura asked when she noticed that I was looking at the space

"Nothing, I even asked his neighbors and they say they haven't seen him, and when I used my spare key there was dust on some of his stuff. You don't think something happened to him do you?" I asked worried

"It's Asher, who messes with him?" she asked me while we got in her car

"I doubt that Asher can scare off a vampire or something" I sighed. That was my worst fear really that some paranormal might have killed him

"There no vampires anywhere near here" Laura reassured

"I know I'm just worried" I sighed as we drove in silence only letting the radio on. And I was close to daydreaming again till we stopped at a red light and noticed something

"Is that Asher?" I exclaimed looking at the guy on a motorcycle in the next lane a couple of cars up with a girl ridding with him

"That's his scent, and isn't that Rachel?" Laura asked and that's when I noticed her arms wrapped around his waist

"That can't be right" I said calling him on my phone only for the guy to take out his

"It is" I exclaimed happy till I saw the guy swipe his phone and the call was ignored

"What?" I asked confused just as the light turned green and Asher sped away

"He's ignoring me" I realized

Why is he ignoring me? I didn't do anything to him. He's the one that left without even telling me what's going on I should be the one upset here not here, he was supposed to be my best friend and he leaves with the first girl that doesn't faint when they talk to him shows up. What kind of bull shit is that?

"Hey ba-" Jude started interrupting my mental rant

"I saw Asher today" I announced

"Oh" he said disappointed

"That jerks been ignoring me" I said annoyed

"Really?" Jude asked surprised

"I know, I'm over here worrying about that jerk and he's off having fun with Rachel like I never even existed" I exclaimed

"No way" Jude said still sounding surprised. I knew he was a little happy cause of this but I need to rant out loud

"Yeah I was coming home driving with Laura when I saw him in is bike, I called him and he actually ignored my call just like that, he didn't even let it ring he fucking ignored me. I'm sorry I cursed it's just so uggghhh" I groaned upset

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