Chapter 19

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Asher pov

she got rid of me.

"friends fade" I said to myself not paying attention to where I was going only to be hit by something from the side. I was thrown off my motorcycle and skidded into a nearby stop sign and just looked up at the sky

"shit, are you ok?" the man asked coming out of his truck worried about me but there really is no need

"my motorcycle" was all I asked him getting up

"you shouldn't move sir, I hit you hard your lucky to be alive" he said trying to push me back down, but I only looked him in the eye making him faint from intimidation. I looked at the motorcycle to see it was completely wrecked but just got up before walking away

"w-wait sir you shouldn't move" someone shouted

"'too cold to care" I repeated the words ignoring the women and kept walking I didn't know where to. My bike was trashed, I was miles away from my apartment and Celsius and once again I was alone, but I didn't care I just needed to move.

'I picked him' the words echoed through my head over and over. I don't know what I felt it wasn't anger and it wasn't despair at least I don't think it was. I knew that she had a mate and I knew that she loved him so this was only realization....... wasn't it?

The secret side of me

I never let you see

I keep it caged

But I can't control it

So stay away from me

The beast is ugly

I feel the rage

And I just can't hold it

"what?" I asked picking up my phone only silently cracked from the crash

"Asher it's me" I heard my uncle announce

"what do you want?" I sighed

"I sent a check to your apartment, but the landlord tried sending it back saying you don't live there anymore" he said confused

"I don't" I confirmed

"send me your new address then" he said simply

"I don't have one" I answered and he was silent

"are you wandering again?" he asked me

"and if I am?" I asked walking right into a green light not caring about the oncoming traffic. the cars can wait

"Asher, why do this to yourself if you're not happy there come back home, your cousins miss you terribly" he told me and I sighed finally stopping

"I don't want to come back, there's nothing for me there" I reminded him again. he's been trying to get me to come back home for years now, but I refuse to go back to that place I don't hate it but it's not for me

"Asher you know that isn't true you have the world at your fingertips if you come back, countless women, riches, family anything" he said trying to persuade me

"uncle you know I don't want that life and you said that you'd respect my wishes" I reminded him going into the motorcycle dealership

"I know what I said, but I said it because I thought that you'd be truly happy there, for a moment you really were but the fact that you're wondering means that something must have happened. you sound colder than ever" he told me

"I'm always cold it doesn't matter if it gets worse. that one I'm taking it" I told the women pointing at the ninja bike, blue and black

"o-ok sir I'm just gonna-" she started scared

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