Chapter 40

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Emma pov

"you look so beautiful" mom exclaimed at me and I smiled at myself in the mirror


this morning I had my hair and nails done and bought a new dress that was light blue so that it goes with my cashmere sweater and white high heels. it was pretty much spring at this point but Asher said that he'd make tonight a little chilly so that the pack members wouldn't be all hot and uncomfortable

"yes, trust me when a luna is going to be introduced into a pack, we want to look this good" Nora reassured me and I smiled.

"thank you so much for helping find this dress I wouldn't have gone into that store if it wasn't for you" I said grateful. we found it in some French store up town, me being me I felt like buying something this expensive was wrong as hell, but Nora ended up dragging me into it saying that it was important to look the part of luna

"its fine, trust me I knew what you were thinking, when I was introduced to the pack I felt so nervous I thought I'd puke" she announced making me feel a little more at ease

"one minute your telling her to go pick up a turkey, the next she's the girlfriend to her best friend who happened to be the dragon boss of a bunch of werewolves" mom sighed

"that's never going to become a saying" I said shaking my head smiling a little

"I know, you think any other mom could deal with this as well as I could" she scoffed making Nora laugh

"still, I'm not that sure if what im going to say will be fine" I groaned wishing that I had taken George's advice and wrote a speech or something

"I guarantee you it's going to be fine" mom reassured me putting on her favorite earrings. if I dress up I guess she does too

"you don't even know-" I started till the door suddenly opened

"we're ready for you Emma" Cora announced and I took a deep breathe before waslking out the room and letting her guide us

"so, everyone's just waiting huh?" I asked while we went down the stairs

"yes, but please try not to walk too fast and just take your time alright?" she asked keeping an eye on me making me sigh

"looks like Asher doesn't want any mishaps" mom chuckled while Nora looked confused

"no, he doesn't" Cora confirmed just as we made it down the last of the stairs

"I never thought the house could be so empty" I noticed. there was usually always some kind of noise going on in the house but right now with all the lights off it was pretty much like a horror movie

"I feel the same when everyone's not at the pack cause of mating parties" Nora announced just before we got out back and I took the sight in. the back yard was pretty huge, but with a bunch of wolves all sitting down on their blankets talking and laughing it was completely full, maybe if it wasn't for the stage it be better but I didn't think there would be some many people

"I thought there was a lot of people performing tonight" I slightly exclaimed while Cora guided me around the crowds and mom peeled off with Nora

"there are, some of these people are actaully friends and family from other packs" Cora announced

"seriously" I exclaimed looking at all of them

"yup, would you believe we already have 4 new mated couples cause of this" she informed me just before we got behind the stage

"where is everyone?" I asked confused while behind the curtain. I saw the crew that was dealing with all the technical stuff but I didn't see the performers

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