Chapter 30

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Asher pov

'Asher' I heard Leo call me through mind link

'yeah' I sighed getting up

'we've intercepted the rouges' he told me

'they're not more spies are they?' I asked not wanting to deal with more of them why the pup keeps sending them I don't know

'no these are different, what do you want to do with them?' he asked me. I guess these were the first rouges that we were dealing with since I came into power

'hold them in the dungeon I'll be there soon' I told him cutting the connection before getting up and taking one last look at the lake. it used to be the place where I go to get alone now I just come here to reminisced about Emma. I don't think I'm sad, I know I miss her and that I love her but she's with the pup now and she knows how I feel so there's nothing more I can really do is there. when I was done looking at the lake I made my way out onto my bike and headed back for my territory the pup and the others didn't know anything about the little grove fr so I knew it was fine.

"so what happened?" I asked Leo once I got back

"the guards say that they found three wolves making a run across the border when they didn't stop the guards took them down"

"what are they?" I asked

"what looks like two parents and a child only the child..." he trailed off

"what about it?" I asked stopping at the dungeon door

"he seems to be cursed" he told me and I was confused but I just went down to the dungeon myself. they weren't dirty since it was new but I did tell the omegas that also clean that they should keep this place somewhat livable. I went over to the cage to see a father who looked dirty and covered in cuts along with a mother who was just as beat up but what caught my eye most of all was the little boy he appeared to be blind but the interesting part was the fact that he didn't smell all wolf

"he's a hybrid" I determine

"he didn't do anything wrong" the mother said holding her son closer to him

"I thought you said he was cursed" I said looking at Leo

"we usually use that term with hybrids" he explained.

"half wolf half.... jaguar" I determined

"it's not his fault for being born this way, it's mine he doesn't deserve to die just because of what he is" the father told me

"you kill 'cursed one?'" I asked rising an eyebrow

"w-well most alphas will since its unnatural" he told me and I looked at the boy he was covered in cuts t0o and looked like he was beaten

"where exactly did you plan on going?" I asked them

"anywhere we can. we just want to live in peace that's all we ever wanted" the father said trying to be firm

"I see" I said handing Leo my shades

"what are you going to do?" he asked

"open this door" I told one of the guards

"w-wait" the parents both said trying to protect their crying son while I stepped in

"shift and it'll be your last for a while" I told them and they shivered

"step away from the boy" I told them

"he's only a child" the mother cried while the father reluctantly grabbed his wife

"mom, dad" the boy cried trying to find his parents I smelled fear coming from everyone while the mother cried

"this is going to hurt" I told him while he tired baking away, but I just grabbed him by the face and he started to cry out in pain

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