Chapter 31

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Emma pov

it's been a while since I woke up in the hospital. I felt bad for taking up the room like this when there was nothing wrong with me, but going outside meant facing Jude and Asher. it's hard for me to pick cause almost every cell in my body is telling me to go to Jude........ but when I think about Asher I don't know I just feel happy like right but did he still feel the same way after he went off like that

"Emma" Liam called coming into the room

"hi Liam" I sighed feeling guilty whenever I looked at him probably because he was an angel

"I was able to get you the guest that you asked for" he told me and like that Laura walked in along with Dan

"hey guys" I greeted them

"hey, how you feeling?" Laura asked coming over to me cautiously like I was made of glass

"good I'm actually fine" I told them and they looked a little confused

"I'm gonna leave you at it but once my break is over I'm gonna have to call them" he told me. angels don't lie I guess

"if you fine why-" Laura started

"I'm in love with Asher" I told them getting straight to the point

".......yeah....." Laura said like there should be more

"I love Asher" I said again

"Emma it was obvious" Dan said and I groaned

"did everyone seriously know except for me?" I asked

"I was starting to feel bad for Asher to be honest" Laura told me

"we'll it gets a little worse" I sighed and told them the whole story from me getting lost to Asher leaving and me losing my memory

"he's been waiting for you to remember for 9 years" Laura said in disbelief

"pretty much" I sighed

"what exactly is Asher?" Dan asked

"nobody's knows but that's not the problem" I told him not wanting to get in that discussion

"right you have to deal with yoru mate and your best friend when you loved them both" Laura said getting it

"exactly" I told her

"just pick the one you love more" Dan said like it was simple

"if I'm gonna do that I need to see Asher again one last time" I determined. that was the only way I'd know which one to choose

"so why call us?" Laura asked

"I need you guys to sneak me out of this territory and into Asher's" I told them

"you want us to steal the luna away?" they deadpanned

"I know Jude is your alpha, but can you please just do this for me?" I asked them and they were silent no doubt in the link

"alright" Laura spoke up

"really?" I asked a little surprised that it didn't take too much convincing

" tell you the truth we've been thinking of leaving the pack" Dan said

"why?" I asked a little hurt they were going to do that to Jude

"it's just, Asher saved my life he didn't ask for anything in debt, but I feel like I kinda owe him" Dan told him

"plus there's been rumors going on about him everywhere" Laura told me

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