Chapter 28

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Emma pov

I was at the lake again, the lake that me and Asher used to go to when I was younger. we spent hours talking here me more than him but it was still hours. he told me stories here. he showed me the things he could do here....... I had my first kiss here

"I remember" I said tearing up a little bit looking at the lake. he was always calling me forgetful, always calling me and idiot and now I know the real reason why

"finally" I heard a voice and saw myself again. so I was still dreaming

"I knew Asher since I was nine" I said not believing it.

"I've been trying to get you to remember forever, but you just kept going to other guys" she said teary eyed and I was confused till I realized that this girl says me lose our virginity to someone else she didn't love

"what do you mean? the dreams stopped in middle school" I said trying to change the subject. this was all still kinda weird

"cause then I tried making you fall to remember" she told me

"you're the reason everyone calls me a clumsy idiot" I realized

"you are an idiot" she shouted

"you fell down the stairs" I accused her

"I am you" she sighed and I realized she was right. god I really am an idiot

"you didn't even know Asher loved you when it was obvious" she told me and before I could ask why memories popped up showing images of Asher doing that little smile he does, giving me blow pops, telling me to get on his bike, showing up when I was crying, helping me with my homework, and saving me from clingy exes

"b-but best friends-" I stared

"don't have sleep overs when their boy and girl" she said showing the images of us and how I would actually cuddle next to Asher but that because his cold such a god damn fucking idiot

"he called a love restaurant Celsius" she said showing the image. did he really call it that because of the snowman?

"........Jude is our mate" I told her

"so you don't love Asher?" she asked me

"i-i don't.... know" I said

"we were supposed to be kissing him and doing that kind of stuff with him by now" she told me before turning to a bubble

'you're just a fucking idiot....and I'm an even bigger one for loving you' Asher said looking at us

"I waited years for him to say that he loved me and you just stood there" she said and I saw her crying

"i-im sorry but I love Jude" I tried to tell her confident

"fine, he won't come if we cry anymore anyway" she sniffled walking towards me

"w-what are you-" I started till she looked up at me tears running down her face and I realized that my face was matching hers

"just stop hurting him ok" she said before she walked into me as if I absorbed her only when she did it was as if I took on her feelings and I felt her sadness. she was like the embodiment of the feelings that I lost touch with and now we were back together.

"I really love Asher" I finally let myself say it, but there was still one major problem

"-mma" I heard someone and I finally started feeling sparks

"Emma please wake up" I heard his voice again

when I finally opened my eyes I was met with a harsh light

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