Chapter: 45

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Cora pov

"You're not going" jack declared while I was put on my least favorite shirt

"Yes, I am" I said while taking my bar off from underneath the shirt and tossing it on the bed

"No, you're not. You don't have to fight, we can literally just walk away, and no one will even stop us and do you really think Asher's going to care?" jack argued while I put on an old pair of gym shorts. There was no way we were coming back in these clothes so I might as well wear things I don't care about

"I'm the beta j, If I don't fight how is that going to look to everyone else?"

"Who cares?!" he exclaimed making me narrow my eyes at him annoyed

"You heard the same thing everyone else did. How many people do you actually think are going to fight for that...... that mate theft" he said looking even more annoyed than I was

I wanted to argue, I wanted to tell him to take it back, but I can't really tell him to take back the truth now can I

After Asher left to go get Scarlett from alpha Jude, ross announced that the rumors of Asher stealing Emma away from alpha Jude was actually true. When I heard him say they were mates earlier while he was arguing with henry I was hoping that it was just some stupid mistake that he made. but it looks like it really was true

Immediately people started shouting and arguing that they wanted answers but no one could reach Asher, all we knew was that he stole another's alphas mate and made her his own, which didn't go well for a lot of the men in the pack....... Which sadly included my own mate

"It not like that jack"

"Oh really, then enlighten me. Can you tell me what it's like? Did Asher tell you anything cause ross was the one who told us what was going on, but he didn't even have the details" jack pointed out

"So, what, we just run off together leave Emma with alpha Jude and act like none of this ever happened?"

"Yes!" jack exclaimed before holding both my hands while looking me in the eyes

"That's exactly what we should do. All we need to do to have our perfect life together is walk away...... why can't you see that?" he asked looking at me hurt making me feel guilty for making him feel that, but shook my head

"I can't do that jack"

"Why not?!" he exclaimed

"Because there's more to this then just Asher stealing Emma away, His daughter was kidnapped too!" I exclaimed making him scoff letting go of my hands

"His daughter is literally older then the both of us combined. He stole another alphas mate, what's stopping him from doing the same to anyone else in the pack? ..... to you?"

"........ is that why you want to leave...... Your scared that Asher, the guy who hardly shows any emotion is going to try and steal me away from you in some kind of fit of passion?" I asked rising my eyebrow at him

"What's keeping him from doing that?"

"Well how about the fact that I love you" I pointed out and he groaned frustrated but this time I walked over to him before taking his hands into mine making him look at me

"Or the fact that we're both marked and fully mated....... the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.......... The fact that I can't imagine living a life without you......... You know, just the small stuff" I said smiling a bit while he scoffed a little

"I know that Asher stole another man's mate, and that we don't have all the facts yet, but you've seen her, Does she really look like she was being held against her will when she was here"

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