Chapter 17

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Jude pov

'What do you mean you still can't find her' I roared through the link

'I'm sorry alpha it's just the scent ends at the hospital and just disappears' one of my trackers apologized, I knew I shouldn't have let her go after Asher like that I should've done what my wolf was telling me to do and stopped her, but no that life debt was weighing over me like a sack of rocks and the fact that it was so important to her I couldn't say no and now my mate was off with some guy doing god knows what

'Then what about Asher's scent?' I asked

'It's the same, they just vanish alpha' he told me

'Just find them' I ordered before sitting down running my hands through my hair. What if he took her somewhere? What if she got hurt and that's why they were at the hospital? What if what if

"Son of a bitch" I cursed slamming my fist on the desk making a huge crack in it before storming of to the library

"What have you found?" I asked the person I put in charge of Asher's history. I had to figure this guy out

"I don't think you'll-" he started

"Tell me" I growled not in the mood for someone being disrespectful

"w-we looked into the hospital he donates to" he told me

"Why is that relevant to him?" I asked annoyed

"He donates over 7 million dollars periodically" he told me

"What" I exclaimed. Emma told me that he lives in an apartment, with money like that, it's enough to buy thousands of apartments

"That's impossible, he has a restaurant but the food wasn't pricy" I said thinking about it

"that's not all, we also found that while he may have an apartments he's rarely ever there according to his neighbors, people say that he usually spends most of his time riding his bike but even then there are long periods where he just seems to disappear from anyone's sight" he told me

"What about family, Emma says he has an uncle where does he live?" I asked wondering if that's where he took my Emma

"We tired looking but we can't find anything, there's no record of Asher besides the fact that he's 18 years old and lives alone" he told me

"There has to be something else" I stressed

"w-well when we looked through his educational history we noticed that he didn't have any" he told me scared

"What do you mean?" I asked

"All grades before the 9th are nonexistent, but we thought that might be an error in the network" he explained and I thought about

"Keep looking, go deeper in his history past his, birth past everything I want you to look through stuff your grant grandparents should only know about" I said before stomping out of the room. I knew I was acting a little crazy but you try going 24 hours without the love of your life and let's see how well you do.

throughout most of the day I kept pacing and barking orders at everyone from the stress of not being with Emma, I tried going out and searching for her using the bond but it hasn't grown to that level yet and I ended up having to come back. We had some rouge attacks, but I ended up shredding them to pieces imagining it was Asher's blood on my hands

"Alpha I know you're worried but I'm sure she's fine" Laura told me

"How do you know that?" I asked glaring at her

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