Chapter 37

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Asher pov

I was on the roof of the pack house looking down at all the members. most of them were kids playing outside with their families, some were kids who just got back from school, and others were mates just being all mate like. I even saw ross and his mate down there heading into the forest for what I'm guessing was going to be a picnic or something.

guess he had free time

"Asher" I heard Cora from behind me


"it's just I wanted to talk to you about having a talent show" she announced and I glanced back at her

"why would we do something like that?"

"it's just we have all this space and I just thought......." she trailed off till I turned around fully and raised my eyebrow making her sigh in defeat

"all the mated couples want to sing to their mates in front of the pack as a romantic gesture and even I want to show off a little bit" she announced and I stared at her for a while before turning back around

"fine...just don't try and bullshit with me like that again" I shrugged before using my finger to draw snow creatures in the air and making them move as if they were real. it was something I often did when I was a child and bored

"thank you, Asher, I was just a little worried about how you might take it" she said coming next to me on the ledge watching the snow creatures

"it's not as if there's much to do anyway" I shrugged gesturing to the happy pups

"yeah.... so why are you up here alone?" she asked curious

"Emma is with her tutor and Scarlett is playing with your little sister learning more about this world" I announced. a week ago, I decided that Emma should get back on track when it came to her education so I asked a pack member that was a good teacher to tutor her making sure to warn her to be patient with Emma. when it came to stuff like education Emma's mind will occasionally wonder

"oh, I remember her saying something about being friends with her, didn't think it was for real though" Cora chuckled and there was a small silence before I let the creatures disappear

"you know, you don't have to but there's usually supposed to be an introduction for the luna when she's mated to the alpha"

"I'm not saying she won't be official till then cause we already see her as the luna cause we know she makes you happy and you said you love her and-" Cora started to say looking a little nervous

"how's your family doing?" I asked and she looked at me confused for a minute

".....ok I guess"

"when's the last time you saw them?" I asked before sitting on the ledge looking up into the sky

"this morning, is there something wrong Asher?" she asked looking worried but I only smiled a little

"I've only seen my mother and father twice in my whole life"

"once when I fell sick and was at risk of dying and another when I declared that I was going to leave our world for this one, both times we didn't talk too much only a simple conversation, one that a stranger could have with another one. both times they said how much they loved me and I don't doubt it, but still I've only seen them twice" I informed her

"......why?" Cora asked after some silence and I looked back at her to see she still had a bit of a shocked expression on her face

"when I was born my mother only stayed with me as long as she needed to before her and my father ran off together. my father was the king for years so I can only assume that he was tired of it and tried leaving the position for me, but as I got older and watched what being king did to my uncle I realized that I didn't want the position at all. it was too boring and dull so I left and came to earth to find something that might make me happy or at least excite me...,,,.in the end I found Emma" I said smiling a at my hand. I never really thought that I would ever mark a anyone and claim them but here I was with a mark matching Emma's

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