Chapter 20

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Emma pov

"yeah I still think she made the right choice" I said confidently

"you gotta be kidding me Jacob is way better than that pale mess" Laura exclaimed making me laugh. we just got done with watching breaking dawn part one of our twilight movie marathon.

"Edward is hotter than Jacob, I don't know what you were watching but all that was beautiful" I told her serious. yeah I'm mates with a werewolf and I'll soon become one when he turns me, but that didn't mean that I had to switch to Jacobs team right

"she almost died" Laura exclaimed

"almost she survived" I pointed out

"I can't believe your still into those bloodsuckers" she sighed

"why can't I?" I asked as we headed downstairs. I had a serious case of the munchies

"you're about to be the Luna soon" she said like it was obvious

"so because I'm gonna be a Luna I have to like Jacob?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"you could at least like werewolves better" she told me and I chuckled

"don't worry I do, even if I don't get to see them anymore" I sighed at the end. Jude and the others have been training day and night for an upcoming battle with three other packs, Jude tells me not to be worried, but its honestly the only thing on my mind. it was the reason why we were having a twilight marathon in the first place

"I know what you mean" Laura sighed just as worried

"I still can't believe they said that women can't fight" I said shaking my head just as I finished my sandwich and we headed into the living room

"I know, but that's the way most packs are"

"but if they let you fight wouldn't it even out the numbers a little bit" I asked

"yeah but all the guys are 'we don't want you getting hurt' 'we fight harder knowing you're at the house so protect' and stuff like that" she said looking annoyed

"Jude's actually sending me away back home when the time comes" I said upset. I wanted to be here when it happens even if I couldn't fight back I just wanted to be as close as I possibly could to him

"you know being team Edward might actually make them a little upset" Laura said smiling and I couldn't help but return it

"I recruited another one" i said happily

"you've been recruiting people?" she asked chuckling

"yeah the first was ash-" I started but stopped myself

"n-never mind" I said sadly. the image of him glaring at me the way he did was still fresh in my mind; I've been suppressing the memory this whole time cause no matter how I look at it I was the bad guy

"you wanna watch part two?" Laura asked me trying to change the subject

"in a minute can we just stay here a while" I said not in the mood for twilight anymore. the last person I had a marathon with was Asher after I promised him that I'd never ask him to do it again, sounds cold, but I kinda miss his cold

"alright, but isn't it kinda could" she asked me

"I'll just get the fire going" I said going over to it, it had fresh wood next to it but as I was bending down to pick some up I noticed something in the fireplace

"what are you doing?" Laura asked as i bent over shuffling through the burn wood

"I don't know I just-" I started but when I moved all the ash out of the way a sheet of paper was clear only I wish it wasn't. it was a picture of a motorcycles destroyed but I knew that bike from anywhere

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