Chapter 5

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 "Hello mate" the hot guy told me. His voice was so husky I got a little wet just from hearing it

"w-who are you" I asked feeling uncomfortable

"For now a friend" he said smiling. He had such a good smiled, but then I remembered what he just said

"Where's Asher" I asked him and he frowned

"Don't worry about him" he said sounding a little dark now

"No, where is he" I demeaned again only for him to come at me too fast for me to dodge and grabbed me. When he did he sent sparks throughout my system and I gasped at the feeling

"Mine" he growled hugging me close to him. I didn't like the sound of that

"i-i don't belong to anyone" I said trying to get out if his hold only to fail miserably

"You do now" he growled at me and I flinched at his glare

"I'm sorry, I just don't like it when you say things like that" he apologized looking sorry. Great he's crazy

"Just let me go" I told him squirming from his touch

"I don't want to" he too said hugging closer and I felt more sparks, I also smelt the roasted marshmallows scent coming from him but I still needed to get away

"Let me go" I tried fighting back and he sighed

"Fine, but you run and I'm never letting you go again" he warned me and I nodded in confirmation

"What do you want from me" I asked backing away from him

"You" he said sending me a 'don't move' look so I reluctantly stopped

"My dad is in the marines, if he finds out about this-" I stared

"We already took care of that" he said smiling and my heart sank

"What did you do" I asked him but he just stayed smiling

"What the fuck did you do to my family" I shouted at him and he growled

"I don't appreciate that tone" he told me

"I don't give a fuck what you appreciate, what did you do" I shouted at him and he made his way for me again only this time I went straight for the balls not bothering to doge and like the last guy he went to his knees. I felt a little bad that I hurt him like that, but I quickly made my way down the stairs again determined to get out of there

"Emma" I heard a voice call me and I looked to see Laura

"Laura, oh god they got you too" I said panicking. They were targeting us

"What are you talking about, what are you doing here" she asked me looking confused

"Me and Asher-" I started but remembered I still had to find him

"Shit we have to find Asher" I said trying to pull her, but she stayed in place

"Hold on Emma you're not making any-" she started

"We don't have time for this" I shouted just as the guy from before should up

"That wasn't very nice mate" he said glaring at me a little

"Laura run" I tired pulling her again, but she stayed and pulled me back like I was a rag doll

"You brought her here" she asked the guy

"Yes, now would you please hand me my mate" he asked Laura smirking

"I'm sorry Emma" she said letting him take my hand and I looked at her wide eyes

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