Chapter 18

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Emma pov

it was so dark I could only see the trees in front of me, so cold that I was shivering, and I was so scared that my teeth were chattering but my feet still kept going

"daddy" I shouted. mommy said that daddy was away but I was going to find him and make mommy better so she doesn't cry any no more

"daddy" I shouted again

"dadd-ahh" I shouted I slipped on mud and fell or a small Clift. my head was bleeding, my arms were all scratched up, and my leg really hurt. I couldn't stop crying it hurt so much I just wanted mommy to come and make it better but she didn't know I was out here. then I heard something, I turned around only to see

"Emma" Jude called waking me up

"y-yeah?" I asked still scared

"you were crying in your sleep are you ok?" he asked me. I touched my face only to see that there were tears and sighed

"yeah I'm fine, just a nightmare" I reassured him

"what was it about?" he asked holding me as if he could protect me from my dreams

"it's me in a forest as a little girl I'm alone with nobody around and I always wake up before anyone finds me, I used to have it all the time in elementary but I stopped having it so much in 7th grade" I explained. it was really annoying especially since mom never let me go into the forest alone as a kid, just something my psych made up I guess

"when you have the dream try and remember me, I'll protect you from the dark" he told me making me smile

"alright" I said before giving him a longing kiss

"you want to take a bath first?" he asked me

"I want to take one together" I admit only to me his eyes darken with lust

"whatever you want" he said smiling. we both knew he wanted to hear that the most. after a long shower we both went down stairs to get something to eat

"hey honey" mom greeted me

"morning" I greeted her

"so what will you like me to make?" she asked

"you don't have to cook Lexi" Jude told mom

"no It isn't it's been awhile since I've cooked" mom smiled at him already starting to cook. I was glad that they were finally on a first name bases, that meant mom was warming up to him

"morning" dad said coming down

"morning dad" I said kissing his cheek

"morning angel, how's it going Jude?" dad asked patting his back

"it's going well" Jude chuckled and they started talking about something but I just focused on mom cooking, I should learn how to cook for Jude. mom would teach me if I ask to.

"so what are you to going to do today?" mom asked when we were finished

"we're just gonna go to Jude's place and hang out" I told them

"we should actually get going" Jude said looking at his watch

"alright, be careful out there" dad called to us while we went out the door and were met with the cold winter air

"shouldn't you get a jacket?" Jude asked me looking worried

"no its fine for now" I told him while we walked in the snow over to the car. the whole town was covered in a beautiful white sheet of snow and kids were all on their lawns happy to have the first snow day of winter

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