Chapter 22

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Asher pov

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me

Her conscience calls, the guilty to come home

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me

Her conscience calls, the guilty to come home

I was in my new office laying on the couch listening to music while thinking of what I should do now. I just won a pack that now had at least 812 people. I don't know what the hell that pup was thinking about fighting against these guys his pack was strong but if those women werent released him and his pack would've been destroyed before Emma cried

"stupid tears" I sighed. for me Emma's tears literally do crash, with every tear that falls to the earth it's like cannon fire and a few days ago it was like there was a war going on so I had no choice but to rush to her side

'I'm sorry Asher' I remembered her whisper. just what the hell was going on in that idiot head of hers coming outside in the middle of the battle, I swear it's like she wants to get herself killed and then after all that's happened to her she was still worrying about the alpha, but I guess that's just the mate bond, they're probably still trying to figure out what I am over there. I doubt they'll get it

The secret side of me

I never let you see

I keep it caged

But I can't control it

So stay away from me

The beast is ugly

I feel the rage

And I just can't hold it

"what" I answered my phone

"Asher it's me again" my uncle announced

"what do you want?" I asked

"I just want to check in to see how you're doing"


"are you still wandering?" he asked

"not at the moment" I said looking around the office. it needed more white

"then send me your address-" he started

"I won't be staying here long" I told him and he sighed

"can I at least know what you're doing?" he asked growing impatient

"I became alpha of a pack of wolves not too long ago" I said remembering that I still needed to talk to all of them. after I dragged that alpha back here I just went into this office and told them to wait for my commands

"you took out wolves?" he asked

"I killed no man I only incapacitated them" I told them knowing what he was getting at

"so you're a ruler?" he asked with a little hope in his voice

"I'm looking after pups is all nothing more nothing less" I told him

"I understand, but why not see how it feels and then-" he started

"goodbye" I said hanging up not wanting to go down that road. I smelt the wolves all anxious and decided it was about time I go out there

"gather everyone outside" I told one of the wolves walking past him. when I got outside I looked at all the white snow and felt peace of mind before getting some space from everyone else that was coming out. after about 30 minutes all the people came only adding to number of people with the women and children

"how many?" I asked a random person

"1-1012 alpha" he told me. great just want I needed

"where are the old three" I asked the crowd only for them to make way for them. when I told them to stay I made sure I looked at them so they wouldn't run away or something. they have strong wills but me being their alpha now stopped them from disobeying me

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