Chapter 35

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Emma pov

the next morning when I woke up completely naked in Asher's arms and I couldn't help but feel happy as hell, it took a while but I was finally in his cool cool embrace only now it was different it was how it was meant to be. I was still saddened by the thought that it wasn't my first....... but I feel like if it was I'd only feel more pain

"morning" I smiled before kissing Asher as he woke up

"hey" he smiled a little making me even happier. he finally said something other then 'what'

"so...last night?"

"it was nice"

"yeah" I said smiling feeling a bit relived

"how do you feel?"

"I'm fine"

"about the mark" he clarified making me remember what didn't happen last night

"you didn't bite me" I said relived and disappointed at the same time, but then he smiled a little making me feel warmer......... and I think it was from him

"we don't bite" he explained while I tried to stop smiling from the warmth. if this much happiness comes from a small smile I don't think I could handle a big one

"then what-" I started to ask, but he took my right hand lifting it up for me to see. there was now what looked like a light blue tattoo of a dragon curled up on the back of my hand almost as if it was sleeping

"t-that's......." I trailed off unable to the describe how beautiful it looked.

"it's a matching set kind of deal" Asher said confusing me till I saw him hold up his left hand and there was the same mark. I was going to say something when he suddenly grabbed my hand and then the dragons began to glow light blue and I heard a roar through my head only the sound of it relaxed me and made me feel safe. after a while it stopped and we were soon laying there in bed still holding hands

"....that was amazing" I said unable to suppress my smile

"that roar was mine, when im in dragon form"

"I like it"

"good cause these can't come off" he said making me chuckle

"I never want to take it off" I said happily looking at it. but if this meant that he could never take it off did that mean that I was the only person who could wear the mark



"you're the only person that can wear that mark" he explained surprising me. he reads minds now?

'or maybe you can mind link now" he said raising an eyebrow and I started to blush panicking a little. that means he can hear everything I'm thinking I can't think of anything embarrassing. like that time while on the couch at my house watching a movie and I purposely dropped popcorn so I could see his ass while he picked it up

"you did what?"

"n-nothing........I wanted to see it ok" I quickly defended realizing there was no use lying to him. like when I lied about stealing one of his shirts

"your terrible at this mind link, you know that" he deadpanned

"teach me" I exclaimed sitting up while covering myself even though I kind of wanted him to-

"you need to clear your head" he interrupted

"how" I said even more embarrassed. like when he had- I started to think but then Asher kissed me and I was confused but soon fell into the kiss

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