Chapter 23

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Asher pov

"Asher" I heard someone call me while I was sleeping waking me up

"what?" I sighed sitting up. I thought it was Emma for a second

"i-im sorry it's just you have a phone call" Ross said holding a phone

"where are the others?" I yawned while wiping the snow off of me. I was on the roof of one of the pack houses sleeping since the ac didn't do it for me

"they're all at the pack house finishing up with the workers" he told me. they all worked together with the other supernatural creatures we hired from the nearby town we were able to get it done in only three days, I helped but they really did do most of the work maybe because they saw me single handily destroy the old house turning it into snow

"alright, why should I pick up the phone exactly?" I asked looking at it while he tried giving it to me

"it's the surrounding alphas since you just came into power so suddenly they wish to talk to you" he explained to me

"fine" I sighed. I guess this was werewolf stuff

"what?" I answered the phone while ross face palmed his forehead

"excuse me" I heard on the other line

"what do you want?" I repeated going downstairs. ross's heart beat was going crazy but I was just hungry

"this is alpha Asher?" he asked not sounding happy


"this is alpha Xavier" he said like I should know

"ok, what do you want Xavier?" I asked going into the kitchen and I saw some other mothers who were watching the children turn their heads at me shocked

"I wanted to speak to you in person with the other alphas to write up a treaty" he announced

"ok, when and where?" I asked and he gave me the address

"alright I'll be there soon" I said before hanging up and getting a bowl of cereal

"Asher that was Xavier" ross stressed

"I heard"

"he's one of the most powerful alpha around here" he told me

"ok" I said indifferent

"I know your strong but-" he started

"did you get me a bike?" I asked

"y-yes we got you a bike but-" he started

"all black and dark blue"? I asked

"yes but-" he started again

"ross" I called him done with my cereal

"yes?" he asked

"shut up" I told him only for some of the little kids to laugh and oooo

"don't repeat after me" I told them and they all suppressed their laughter

"who's showing up to this thing?" I asked heading to the garage

"w-well alpha Xavier, Charles, Daniel, and Maxwell" he told me

"and all of these people, you were scared of them?" I asked

"Xavier and Maxwell are the strongest in four but yes their all strong" he told me

"there isn't anything ceremonial like sniff each other or something like that is there?" I asked

"we aren't dogs" he said narrowing his eyes a little

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