Chapter 33

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Emma pov

"i-i cant" I stuttered my face heating up. it was too big

"just breath" Asher said looking down at me

"I-i-" I struggled holding up the weight trying to finish my set

"Come on Emma you can do it" Laura encouraged

"Do it" Asher ordered and I pushed everything I had left into lifting the bar before Asher helped put the weight back

"You did it" Cora cheered with the others

"Yeah and I still feel like I did nothing" I sighed not satisfied. I was just barley about to bench 90 pounds while I actually saw everyone else around bench pressing 300 pounds. I don't even want to know what Asher's max is

"You're improving" Ross encouraged

It's been a while since I've been with Asher and like I knew he'd do, he didn't treat me anything like a queen. When they trained I would train alongside them regardless even If I was only human. it was really embarrassing being even slower than the kids in the pack and not being able to keep up with them

"I guess" I sighed not feeling any better while Asher handed me a towel and we all started to heading out the gym. so far I've met everyone in Asher's inner circle and they were really nice, I was happy that he made so many friends even though they tell me he doesn't talk a lot but that's Asher

"When he comes call us down" Asher told Cora as we split off from the rest

"No problem Asher" Cora smiled

"Who's coming?" I asked as we went into the elevator

"Maxwell" he announces and I was shocked

"The alpha Maxwell?" I asked. I heard that he was one of the strongest alphas out there next to Xavier

"Yes" Asher said like it wasn't a big deal

"Why is he coming here, is something wrong?" I asked as we arrived at his personal space

"No, he wanted me to met she wolfs"

"What?" I asked not sure I heard right

"He wanted to set me up with she wolfs, so he called last night saying he was coming over" he explained

"You said you weren't into polygamy" I said annoyed women were coming over to meet him

"I'm not, that's why I told him no" he announced and I relaxed a bit

"Then why's he still coming?" I asked

"Once he heard about you he said we had to go on a double date and hung up" Asher answered while I went wide eyed. I was supposed to go on a double date and I didn't even know about it

"Why did you tell me?" I exclaimed

"Cause I knew you'd react this way" he answered plainly

"Of course I'm reacting this way if it's a double date then I have to get ready. Get my hair done, get a dress, get-" I started

"He'll be here in about an hour" he further announced and my jaw dropped

"When I get out of the shower you're so gonna get it" I shouted running towards the bathroom. I can't believe he was doing this to me

After we both took a shower I scolded Asher a little bit for not letting me know about the double date, but he just brushed it off with his usual look before we finally had to head down

"What's he like?" I asked nervous

".....Interesting" he told me

"I still can't believe you know Maxwell like this" I said impressed

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