Chapter: 46

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Emma pov

"Let me out of here, open the door!" I shouted as I banged my fist against the door as hard as could wanting it to burn to ashes, but no matter how hard I tried nothing happened. It was a normal door from what I could see, and I could see the shadows of guards on the other side from below, so I knew it wasn't sound proof, but that only made me feel worse

"Please just let me out, if you fight you're all just going to get killed please......... Please" I begged but they still didn't answer making me slide down to the ground realizing just how helpless I was

'We're going to use the girl for now, but she's going to die soon and after that you're going to help us kill the douche' I remembered Jude words making tears well up in my eyes

The was no way I was going to turn on Asher, I'd die before helping Jude kill him. But when I saw just how calm Jude looked at me when he said that he was going to kill Scarlett as if it was just the natural thing to do I realized just how much I fucked up

Jude was far from perfect. He had anger issues, he was a bit possessive and he was clingly, but he was still both kind and sweet and an all in all ok guy....... Until I broke him. The look he gave me earlier wasn't the same Jude that I knew, it was the look of someone who was empty and cold, and it was all my fault that he turned up like that

If hadn't been so damn stupid none of this would've happened. If I had only talked to Jude instead of running away like I did I could've avoided all of this, but now people were going to die because me...... people have already died because of me

"Fuck" I cursed feeling a cry coming on till I looked down at my hand and saw Asher's mark

'Every single one that falls is like a cannon firing next to my eardrum, you're driving me mad' Asher's words rang through my mind making me smile a bit before quickly wiping the tears from my eyes

He saw me crying alone in my room and the first thing he said was something like that....... He's such a jerk sometimes, but because he's like that he let me train and fight with the others to get strong which is why I needed to get out of here before the fighting started and I had more blood on my hands

I soon got up off the floor taking a calming breathe before I scanned the room looking for anything that could get me out of here. The room wasn't as fancy as most of the rooms i've seen so it was probably an omegas room, there wasn't a bathroom or even a closet, the bed was on the ground with the frame taken away, the furniture looked like it was moved out and there were no windows

Jude probably had this room ready to use for me when I got here

"Think idiot think" I mumbled to myself still scanning the room trying my best to think about what Asher would do in this situation, but as I racked my brain for an answer something accorded to me

I wasn't Asher...... And right now, I wasn't strong either....... I was weak Emma......weak little innocent Emma........ I can work with this. The thought made me smile before turning to the door and taking a deep breath

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed on the top of my lungs doing my best to sound like I was scared and on queue the door was opened before a guard charged in

"Luna are-" he started but I was already rushing at him before I used all the strength I had to punch him dead at his throat making him go wide eyed and fall to his knees unable to breathe and I kicked him to his side before running towards the door

"Wha-" the second guard started but with my running start I wound my leg up before kicking him in the groin making him buckle to the ground screaming in pain while I slipped past him into the hallway

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