Chapter 48

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Asher pov

As I watched Jude raise his claw in the air getting ready to kill Emma to keep her away from me, I couldn't help but wonder when exactly he became so deranged. Looking at him like this was just sad.

"Idiot" I sighed, just as scarlet flew at Jude's side kicking him away from Emma and into a pile of his pack members.

"I told you to keep your dirty hands off my mommy, you damn dirty mutt!" she growled, smoke and small plumes of fire escaped from her mouth.

"Asher!" Emma shouted before running over to embrace me.

"Sorry I took so long"

"I-its fine, b-but my dad..." she trailed off as tears started to roll of her cheek, but I only smiled before wiping the tears away.

"Hes ok, I saw what happened. I took care of it" I announced shocking her.

After I saw Henry get tossed aside like a rag doll, I had someone catch him and rush him into the forest where I could heal him. To be honest I was still a bit sore from the healing since he was inches near death, but luckily, I got to him in time.

"T-thank-" Emma started till there was a deep growl making us turn to the direction Jude was kicked in, only to see he was already back up on his feet. looks like the pup grew up a bit.

"I wouldn't thank me just yet"

Just than Jude shifted into a wolf, and came rushing at us along with a few other wolves, forcing me to make a large ice wall surrounding the three of us.

"Scarlett, I need you to take Emma as far away from this place as possible" I ordered, while Jude and his wolves clawed and tackled the ice doing their best to break it.

"But-" they started

"No buts, go now" I ordered narrowing my eyes at Scarlett who girted her teeth, but nodded before sprouting her wings and scooped Emma up as she flew into the air, seconds before the ice was broken and Jude barred his fangs at me along with his other pack members.

"This is for Henry" I declared before jumping into the air dodging the other wolves and kicking Jude down to the ground.

"And this is for Scarlett" I announced before falling back down to the ground and punching Jude in back causing him to howl out in pain.

"Fuck yo-" a wolf shouted charging at me in half form only for Cora to rush at him ripping his head off.

'We got you back Asher!' she shouted through the link before saving one of Maxwell's pack members.

'How many have we lost?' I asked while keeping an eye on Jude who laid under my feet unconscious.

'None from our pack, but Maxwell lost 6 men' George announced making me grit my teeth annoyed, but I did my best to remain calm.

'The girls are safe so-' I started about to order everyone to withdraw from the fight, only to have Simon fly at me in half form taking me a bit by surprise as I jumped away to dodge the attack.

"Stay away from my alpha you damn lizard!" he growled before charging at me, shifting into a wolf as he got closer.

"I'm usually not very petty" I said just before Simon jumped at me aiming for my head, but I only sidestepped away before running my hand along the side of his body freezing his whole body in ice.

"But i've been wanting to do that for the longest" I admitted feeling a bit satisfied, till I turned back to where Jude was laying down, only to find that he was gone.

'Who has eyes on Jude!?'

'Haven't seen him'

'You were fighting him weren't you!?'

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