Chapter 32

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Asher pov

"Asher we're-" I heard someone disturb my sleep and I opened my eyes to see Cora and ross standing at the door with their jaws practically to the floor

"what?" I asked them

"I-it's just you know there's a girl in your arms" Ross said and I looked down at Emma who was cuddled up in my arms. she told me that my cold is a different type of cold almost warm apparently

"I'm aware" I yawned rubbing my eyes

"what's going on?" Emma stirred awake

"training" I said sitting up

"this early" she asked looking at the time

"pups need exercise" I shrugged before standing up

"if you want to stay in-" Cora started

"its fine" I told them about to walk out but ross stopped me

'it's really ok Asher we'll take care of the group today we'll even run faster and longer in human form. you can stay' he said smiling

'come on just look at her' Cora said and I turned around to see a barley awake Emma. she been pampered too much

"......alright" I said with a sigh

"don't worry us pups will be fine" Cora happily before walking out with ross. Ever since I told them that I say it with pride they've been calling themselves pups more often

"you're not going?" Emma asked with a yawn

"seems that they noticed a certain someone could barely get up"

"its nine am" she exclaimed

"normal time for walks" I shrugged and she sighed

"what happened to the Asher that loved sleep" she asked pouting

"he does it later" I said walking out the room

"where are you going?" she asked following me out

"hungry" I told her and kept walking, but while I did I noticed something

"if you want to do something do it" I told her and she finally took my hand

"I know but it's sometimes hard to know if its ok" she mumbled

"does it feel wrong?" I asked

"no" she answered a small smile on her lips

"then its ok"

when we got to the dining area I saw that most of the kids who weren't old enough to train had stayed back along with some of the mothers and older members who were too old to go our running

"s-so this is your pack?" Emma said inching closer to me

"problem?" I asked

"they're all staring?" she said and I noticed that she was right, mostly the kids while the mothers and elders tried sneaking in looks like it wasn't noticeable

"let them" I shrugged not seeing the big deal and getting food before we both sat down at a table and ate

"this place really is nice though" Emma said looking around

"they seem to like it" I shrugged

"what about you?" she asked

"it's nice" I told her and she smiled for some reason happy with my answer

"Asher" a little girl called walking up from the table

"what?" I asked

"who's she?" the little girl asked

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