Chapter 2

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the next day I woke up to my alarm and a huge smile on my face only I didn't know if it had to do with fact that I loved my alarm or the fact that my favorite jacket now smelled awesome. I actually slept with it last night just cause I couldn't get enough of the scent for some reason. I gotta ask Laura about it

"Morning honey" mom greeted me after I was done getting ready

"Morning" I said getting a pop tart

"Isn't it just a little too hot to wear a jacket?" she asked rising an eyebrow

"Some of my classes are cold now" I defended

"If you say so, remember to be on time today" she told me smiling

"I will, it's ok if Asher comes right?" I asked. I felt like since we were having a full on family dinner he might want to be in it since he probably always eats alone

"Of course, but try and keep your friends list short I want today to be special" she told me

"Alright" I said about to leave

"Oh and can you pick up condoms on-" she started

"Hell no" I exclaimed. I can't believe she asked me that

"It was just a joke" she laughed while I walked out the house in disgust. I'm glad that they get to see each other after so long, but ewwwww

"Hey" Dan and Laura greeted me when I got to school

"Hey, Asher not here?" I asked noticing his seat was empty

"Yeah guess he's taking the day off or something" Dan shrugged. We knew that it didn't really matter since he while he was the bad boy he was also the top student in the class somehow. The only reason why I wasn't failing was because he tutors me when I asked him to

"I guess, oh and thanks for the jacket" I thanked Laura smiling

"The- oh y-yeah your welcome" she said smiled a little awkwardly

"You could've just gave it to me instead of tossing it in the back you know"

"You know me I love messing with you" she said punching my playfully

"Yeah, by the way what kind of soap do you use it smells awesome" I asked needing to know

"I'll let you borrow mine, I have an extra box back home" she told me. Although I noticed that she and Dan were sharing a weird look but I just waved it off

"I'll remember that" I vowed just as the teacher got in class. The rest of the day was pretty relaxing with the jacket on. the normal school bitches couldn't even bug me when I was wearing it cause of the smell of roasting marshmallows, but by the time lunch rolled over I noticed that Asher still wasn't around .I had a good idea where he'd be if he actually was at school so while everyone else went to the lunch room I headed towards the gym and sure enough there was a guy in the bleachers sleeping with his headphones in and feet stretched out like he owned the place. He once told me that he liked it in here because it was the coldest place in the school

"Asher" I said shaking him awake and after a couple of shakes he groaned awake

"What" he yawned till he saw me

"Oh" he said actually sounding disappointed

"Well then" I huffed crossing my arms

"What are you doing here" he asked stretching

"I thought I'd wake you up so you wouldn't starve" I said matter of factly just as he took his shades off to rub his eyes. Not many people got to see Asher's eyes since he's usually always wearing glasses but they had no idea what they were missing

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