Chapter 9

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Emma pov

I woke up in Jude's arm after having a really good sleep and couldn't help but smile it's been four days since we made it official and it hasn't been that bad anymore, just letting myself fall into the mate bond was nice. Jude was a really nice guy now that I knew he was just some random psychopath that was molesting me, he still worked a lot cause of pack business but now that me and Laura made up I could talk to her when I was bored, she actually taught me a lot about this world

She told me about the types or paranormal out there apparently the only fake ones are mermaids, trolls, big foot, dragons, fairies, and Santa clause. That last one was a serious upset for me. She also told me that they've been in hiding for so long with the help of magic witches and warlocks make which is why I haven't been able to find the pack house. I was starting to like the paranormal world

"Morning" Jude greeted me when he woke up

"Morning" I smiled before he kissed me

"What you want to do today?" he asked me

"I like it here and all but, I miss my family I even miss school now" I told him truthful and he frowned

"One more day and tomorrow you can go to school" he sighed after a while of silence

"Thank you" I said happily

"I'll finish all my alpha work fast so that we can be together" he promised

"Alright" I said already looking forward to it a little bit. After that we both got ready and went down stairs where he made me the best omelet I've ever tasted in my life

"Morning luna" Laura greeted me and I rolled my eyes

"I told you to call me Emma" I reminded her

"Yeah but luna just sounds so much better" Dan said smiling

"It really does" Jude agreed. of course he would

"Still I was given a name for a reason" I told him trying to be serious

"And I love it" he told me and I couldn't help but smile

"Nice save alpha" Laura chuckled

"Thanks, but right now me and Dan have to get to work so I can finish earlier" he announced

"Alright" we both sighed

"I'll see you later" he said giving me a longing kiss

"Ok" I said smiling watching them leave

"So what do you want to do?" Laura asked me and I thought about it

"Mall?" I suggested

"I'm driving" she said hopping out of her seat happily and getting the keys while I laughed. The friends I pick

When we got to the mall we had the guards that are apparently mandatory for us to have whenever we go out with us but I wasn't complaining too much since it just meant we could buy more stuff now. me and Lara were shopping together for a while, but then she went into the kinky store they have at the mall and I went off to a different store since I feel like Jude hasn't waited long enough for that, I know where met to be together forever but I don't want to seem to easy. I was walking through the store looking around when I noticed something

"Oh my god Jude would love these" I exclaimed to myself going to the glasses rank but then I thought about it. That didn't make any sense, Jude doesn't like shades and if he did I never saw him wearing any. Who was it that like shades? Dan?.... dad?..... Siom- I started to think hard but then it came to me

"Asher" I exclaimed face palming myself

"Shit" I repeated face palming over and over again. I can't fucking believe I let myself forget about him like that, after all the things he's done for me I just up and forgot him like that just because I got a mate. I have to be the worst best friend ever especially since he hates being forgotten. He won't admit it but I think it's his one fear

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