Chapter 5

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He drove me to a five-star hotel. “No way I’m going into that!” I frowned. I couldn’t bear it all over again. This definitely wasn’t what I meant when I said to the stars. Why are guys so hay-brained?

“But that’s what I planned for Stace. She loves dinners at hotels like this.” He said, confused.

“Hello? I’m not Stacy. Take me to somewhere lively.”

“Okay, madam. I’ll try.”

We drove for an hour, finally landing into a village celebration nearby. It was pure country celebration. Everyone was drunk and dancing like it was the last night of their lives on that peppy folk music. They were very friendly.

“Hi, I’m Kate. This is Jake, my friend. It’s his birthday today. Would you mind if we joined you all?”

“No. But on one condition. You must be drunk.” He laughed. We laughed along.

They brought two big mugs, rather barrels of beer and shoved it down our throats. I felt really happy, and pulled him over to dance. “You are a dirty dancer.” I told him.  “How do you know salsa?” He asked, turning me round. “Took salsa classes back home for a month.” I laughed. We kept on dancing and dancing, till everyone left but us. Finally, he held my hand and led me into the nearby forest.

It was dark, except the moonlight. A full moon. I could see his eyes shining brilliantly with joy. Finally, we sat down on some stones by the stream. In the reflection of the stream, he looked heavenly. “You know I think I might lov……..”

 “Shut up” I stopped him, “Don’t think I don’t know the Casanova you are.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” He said playfully.

“The first night we met, you made out with Stacy, didn’t you?” I blurted out the thing that had been bothering me for so long.

“Hell no. Who told you that? I mean she came upon me, trying to take off her clothes, but I stopped her. I won’t get physical with any other girl than the one I marry.” He said so sincerely, I almost believed him.

“Then why are you with her?”

“I liked her. I do. But you are nothing like I’ve met before. I think I love you.” There he said it. He said it in three simple words. Yet it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. Blame the alcohol, but I blurted out “I love you too.”

He pushed my hair behind my ear, placing my face between his hands. I closed my eyes. He brought his lips closer to mine, and finally they met. We French -kissed. The kiss probably lasted for half an hour. I lay my head on his chest and we lay there, just like that, looking into each other’s eyes for the rest of the night.

I woke up, seeing Jake holding my hand, lying beneath me. Everything that had happened yesterday flashed in front of my eyes. How could I have done that? However mean Stacy was, she was my sister. It was so wrong to cheat with her boyfriend. It was all under alcohol, I told myself. He doesn’t love you, neither do you. You both were pretty drunk, did some stupid thing. No big deal. This was the way it happened. It should be dead and buried.

“Hey, morning love.”He smiled, whispering in my ear.

I closed my eyes. I wouldn’t be able to face the hurt I was about to cause him. A lump built up in my throat. I continued, nevertheless. “Listen, about last night. It was all a mistake. We were drunk. So hope it won’t change our friendship. Let’s just forget about it.”

“You’re joking, aren’t you?” He said, not believing anything I said.

“No. It’s the truth.”

“So you’re saying you didn’t feel anything we shared last night?” He looked more hurt than ever.

“I was drunk.” I simply lied.

“I’m sorry then.” He got up, walking as fast as he could, away from me. “Hey, I hope we’re still friend, right?” I shouted through the woods.

“There is no we, no us. You and I are nothing. Get it?” He was out of sight. I was crying by the time he left, but I knew I had done the right thing.

When I reached home, I found both Jake and Alex there. I prayed silently that Jake hadn’t spilled the whole thing to Alex and Stacy. But everything looked pretty normal. “How was your friend?” Alex cheerfully asked me.

“Which friend?” I asked, puzzled.

“The friend I dropped you to, to spend the night yesterday when my car broke down. Remember we didn’t go anywhere?” He said sternly, as if talking to a stranger.

“Right.” I controlled my tears.

“So, you’re back.” Stacy said. She looked extremely pleased by the new cold attitude Jake had developed towards me. “Jake is taking me to the dance tonight, why don’t you come along? I bet Alex won’t mind taking you out?” She winked at Alex. Surprisingly, Alex smiled at her. So weird. What the hell had happened since I had been gone? When did Stacy and Alex become mates? Gosh!!!!!

I slipped on a black cocktail dress uninterestedly. I no way was excited about tonight. It was gonna be a torture. I was pretty sure about that. And why was Stacy playing Alex on me? Or maybe I was overthinking. Alex considers me a friend. That’s all.

I didn’t apply any makeup today, except enough to hide my teary eyes. Alex waited down the stairs, dressed in a white tux, with white orchids in his hands. “Wow, someone looks gorgeous.” He said.

I managed a smile. Jake was beside him, in a black tux, with red roses.  My heart wished to take his arm. But I composed myself and left with Alex as if I didn’t care.

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