Chapter 71

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As I entered the door, I noticed him standing facing the glass wall which captured the entire New York in its magnificence. I felt a tug at my heart as I saw him.  A part of me wanted to turn back and make a run for it while I still had the chance. “No……when I say it……….. I want it done.” He spoke to someone on the phone. There was a weird sense of authority and attitude in his voice; there wasn’t a hint of the husky, soft voice I had always known.  He turned around suddenly, catching me in my awkward stare as I tried to hold back my emotions helplessly. Every part of my body longed to run across the few feet and hug him. My memory of him didn’t do him even half the justice; he was more handsome, more attractive, more everything than I remembered. His golden eyes widened too, for a second, until he finally recollected himself and motioned me to sit. He was dressed formally; dark grey suit and a silk black tie. I slowly seated myself as I processed everything. Finally, he terminated the call and walked gracefully over to me. I could feel my heart beat a thousand times harder against my frail chest. He extended his hand without looking at the slightest discomfort; there was no sense of guilt in his eyes.

I shook his hand nervously and as I did, an instant electric charge went all over my body. I remembered his touch; the way his warm fingers would sweep infinite random circles on the back of my neck when he would kiss me……the way he would kiss my hair whenever I hugged him. I was forced back into reality as he coughed lightly. I realized he was expecting me to state my purpose, and perhaps even introduce myself.

“Hello sir, I’m Katherine Hayden from the Cosmopolitan. I….I…” I stammered dubiously. Get your shit together, I told myself and pulled back the tears. “I’m here for an interview………for your wedding. Cosmopolitan is doing a cover story. Amanda must’ve talked to you.”

“Oh yeah, she told me she would send in a girl.”

‘A girl’? Was that all I ever was to him. I shook my head in disbelief. How could he be so cold and heartless?

I could feel his intent gaze upon me as I looked down to read the questions from my notepad.

“So where and when did you first meet the love of your life, Miss Elizabeth?” I said acidly, unable to keep the sarcasm out of my words.

In a most composed fashion, he replied. “I’ve known Liz since I was five. We’ve been good friends ever since. And she’s my fiancée, so please, Miss Hayden, refer to her as the fiancée only.” I both felt angry and a pang of relief.  When did Elizabeth became Liz and I became Miss Hayden? On the other hand, he does not want her to be referred to as ‘the love of his life’. That means something. I immediately dismissed the thought.

  I tried to ask the next question but my throat felt dry.

“Would you like some water Miss Hayden?” He asked me chivalrously.

I picked the water up, my hands shaking from the way his eyes were locked with mine, and it slipped from my hands and spilled on my skirt. Great, this was all that I needed.

“Can’t you even do one thing without messing it up?” He got up and handed me a handkerchief. I pushed it away.

“Look, I don’t need your help. In fact I don’t want to do anything with you. Let’s keep it professional.”

He looked at me and his eyes blazed momentarily as if my words hurt him.

Suddenly, a man dressed in all black knocked and came in.

“Sir, you need to leave for the meeting now.”

Alex looked down at his exquisitely shaped, probably French watch. “I’m sorry we will have to do this sometime later.” He got up, and began to leave.

Yeah, sure, take the easy way. I’m not going to let you ignore me. I stopped him by coming into his way. There was only inches gap between us. I looked into his eyes searching for our love, maybe a little leftover trace. He looked away. I had never felt so apart.

“No…..sir” I said bitterly, lowering my eyes to pull back the tears. I could feel the waterworks coming in any second. “I’m on a deadline and I would like to finish this as soon as possible. How about tomorrow? I would like to cover your wedding banquet too.”

He looked into my eyes and for a moment, a fraction of a second, I felt as if I saw his eyes melting. He immediately blinked and when he looked up, they were ice cold again. “Martin, please check my schedule and let Miss Hayden know.”

He left the room, leaving me shocked, and feeling unfulfilled and unwanted. A little tear escaped the corner of my eye which I immediately wiped before he could notice to protect what was left of my crushed self-respect.

“Madam, the wedding will be held at Mr. Parker’s home in Beverly Hills. He’s flying back tomorrow to supervise the arrangements. Would you like to accompany him?”

Oh crap. I didn’t plan on this. I don’t think I can fly all the way and witness the preparations. What will I tell Chris? Of course I would have a whole crew flying with me, but I don’t think he’d understand. Amanda’s dry words resounded in my head. I nodded unknowingly.

When I reached home, I put on music on full volumes to block out all the painful thoughts. I didn’t want to over think this. Why was he being so ambivalent? On the one hand, he pretended like he didn’t care for me at all. But his eyes spoke a different story. Maybe it was all in my head. It was all a reflected projection of my feelings for him. I took a deep, sharp breath and decided to think of a way to break the news to Chris.

What is Alex hiding? Where will the trip down memory lane lead Katy and Alex? Find out in the next update! :)

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