6. Gossip Time

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It was Thursday morning and Darlyn had a lot to tell her bestie about. As soon as she saw her she pulled her from the arm. "Ouch, Darlyn! This better be good."

"Guess who I met?"

"I don't know. Chris Brown?"

"What, eww. Why would I be excited for him?"

"I'm just kidding. Who?"

"My boys."

"You mean?"

"Yes, Big Time Rush was there yesterday."

"That's great. No, beyond great. Here we have to sit down for this one. Tell me everything that happened."

"Well, the guys came out and performed their theme song with some cool dance moves. James and Logan even did their famous back-flips."

"Wow, were they even hotter in person?"

"Yes, oh and then I embarrassed myself by cheering really loud for them."

"Did anyone notice?"

"Yes, everyone. Including the boys. I even saw Logan staring at me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Isn't he like your favorite one?" Sophie said while winking at Darlyn.

"Yes, and after that I tried to keep calm and focus on my dancing."

"And then what?"

"And then he, Logan, came up to me and started talking to me."

"What did he say?"

"He invited me to the BTR set to teach me some pointers for acting. You know, after I told him about my audition and how much it means to me."

"THAT'S AWESOME. And the way that you told it to me tells me something."

"What is it?" Darlyn asks really confused.

"It means that he's into you. He's willing to help you out. Plus, the fact that you blushed and enjoyed every moment says that you like him too. Like really like him."

"What? No, don't say that Sophie. Plus I'm with Alfonso."


"Ha-ha, stop trying to be funny."

Suddenly she got a text message. It read, 'hey it's Logan. How about tom 4 the idea?'

She then replied, 'Sure, what time?'

'How about 4pm. My limo will pick u guys up.'

'Alright, hey how'd u get my #'

' ;) I have my connections, so see ya tom?'

'of course. later.' Darlyn was sitting there, smiling like an idiot; forgetting that she was still at school near Sophie.

"Hello? Hey! Earth to Mrs. Henderson!!"

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me," she said with a tiny bit of attitude. "So, why the big smile? Who were you texting?"

"Oh, no one."

"Spill it..."

"It was Logan."

"Wait, your Logan? The Big Time Rush Logan?"

"Yup, that's the one." 

"Wow, and what's he say?"

"He said that tomorrow a limo will pick us up at my house, around 4pm."

"That's really cool. Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." During the whole conversation Sophie did feel as though something was going on between Darlyn and Logan, if not now then maybe later. All Darlyn could think about was her future afternoon on the Big Time Rush set and getting to know Logan more than what she had expected.

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