41. Clarification

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Darlyn arrived and knocked on the door. She was freezing a bit, but hoped that Sophie's plan would do the trick. About a minute later, Carlos came and opened the door. "Alright James, I'm gonna get you next tiiimmeee." Carlos turned and saw her. "Whoa." Yeah, even Carlos' mind was blown. His mouth was dropped down.

"Hi Carlos." She waved her hand in front of him and he then got out of it.

"Uh, Logan? Someone's here for you." He turned around to sound loud inside. "Darlyn, you look amazing" Carlos whispered under his breathe and gave her a friendly wink. Logan then came out of his room.

"What Carlos?" Carlos moved out of the way and told James and Kendall to give them some privacy.

There in the doorway, he saw her. She slowly looked up and saw his beautiful, shiny, brown eyes. Logan noticed her beautiful black dress that hugged her curves, along with some silver heels. She was wearing natural make up with a bright red lipstick, some silver hoop earrings, a beautiful silver bracelet that he gave her one time. Her hair was straightened and she looked extremely sexy to him. He just wanted to forget the situation, run up to her, twirl her around in the air, and lower her down slowly to kiss her passionately. But he knew he couldn't. They just weren't on good terms yet.

Darlyn finally spoke after what seemed like forever. "Hey Logan." She posed with her hand on her hip and the other one leaning on the side of the doorway.

"Darlyn. Come inside. You must be freezing." He went up to her, closed the door, and then turned around to her. They stared into their eyes, with love and Darlyn with a bit of pain; Logan was about to lean closer, but she turned her back on him and walked a couple steps forwards, showing off a little cat walk.

"We need to talk." She still had her back towards him. He slowly walked closer to her.

"Yes, we do."

"Well then, start talking." He walks in front of her and sat down on the couch. He motioned for her to take a seat. She gladly took the seat and said, "So, Logan, why were you with that girl last night!"


"Why couldn't you just tell me that you were over me? Instead of going behind my back and in front of the entire industry, you could have just told me straight in my face!" She raised her voice each time that she said something.

"Darlyn! I haven't even answered you and you are already making assumptions about me!"

"You know honesty is the best policy. Why couldn't you just be honest with me and tell me about her?"

"Look, Darlyn. Calm down."

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" She raised her pointer finger at his face, it was closer than he thought that she nearly poked his eye. "For the past two days I have been heartbroken with your betrayal and stupidity..."

"Just let me explain everything." She looked really mad, but with tears in her eyes. "Okay then, I'll let you explain your side."

"Thank you!" She took a deep breath and tried to relax before anything. "When you left for the phone call, I was wondering who it was. So I followed you and heard your side of the conversation. You were talking really flirty with that girl. And I instantly assumed that you were cheating on me, because who talks flirty over the phone with other than their partner?" Logan nods his head every so often. "Then I decided to leave. Kendall tried to comfort me and convince me to stay, but I refused. I then walked to Subway, you know to eat and clear my mind off of this. And I bump into non other than Alfonso. He tried to help me by hearing me out. Then he was about to leave, but I told him to stay." Logan's eyes lit up in a little bit of a shock. Also because Darlyn did not want to be friends with him in the first place. "He then invited me to his place, we watched the X Factor together, and since it was getting late he let me spend the night in his guest house."

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