27. Official

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Darlyn still stood there on stage, all alone, waiting for Logan to come. She nervously held the microphone in her hands. "Umm, Logan Henderson, are you there?" She looked behind herself, waiting anxiously.

Finally, a few seconds later he came on stage. "Hey everyone," he said as he waved to the audience. Everyone cheered as they saw him. "Hi Darlyn, what's happening?" His eyes were full of hope and wonder, along with his huge, dimply smile.

She grabbed onto his hand, without inter-whining fingers. "Look, I know I said I'll think about it and I have."

His face lit up. "You have?"

"Of course. So, the answer to your question is... Yes." Logan jumped a little.

"Are you serious?" She nodded her head. He then faced the crowd and smiled so much. "Do you hear that Rushers? She said yes!! Darlyn is officially my girlfriend!!"

"Aww, " the whole crowd responded. After a few seconds, someone started yelling "Kiss, kiss, kiss."

"Darlyn, it's okay. You don't have to," and immediately after he said that she reached in for a sweet and embracing hug. She then looked up into his eyes and gave him a  romantic kiss.

"Woo Hoo!" "Logan and Darlyn" "Cute" "Awww" "Larlyn" "Dogan" the audience kept on responding to their PDA. The guys were backstage looking as well.

Kendall seemed to have a handkerchief with him.

"Are you crying?" James asked.

"Yes, because it's so beautiful."

"There, there buddy. Don't worry, we'll help you get a girlfriend next..." Carlos said while trying to comfort him with a pat on the back.

"That's not funny Carlos," Kendall responded with his eyebrows narrowed in. "I'm just so happy for Logan," he looked back at the screen with his best friend being happy.

"Sure, sure." They all relaxed for a bit. Then Logan joined them a few minutes later.

"Hey, hey, hey. There's the new love bird." James said.

"You look so happy Logan." Kendall kept on crying for a bit.

"Don't worry bro, you're next," Logan pointed at him, while he reached for his cellphone to send a tweet picture.

Kendall got up a bit from the couch. "Hey, that's what Carlos said!"

"Thank you so much guys, I couldn't have done it without your help..." Logan then gathered them for a group hug. "You're the best."

"No problem," they all said.

"Well, let's keep watching my girl as she keeps entertaining our Rushers." They all got comfy on the couch again, as if they were watching a movie.

She sang various song to the crowd and had a great twinkle in her eye. About 20 minutes later, Darlyn's performance was done. "Thank you so much guys. You were an amazing audience. Love you LA!" She got off the stage and met up with her now bf. "Hey Logan."

"Hey babe," he embraces her once more and kisses her.

"Whoa, whoa, too much PDA," Carlos playfully said while walking up to them. They both pulled away from each other and smiled.

"Hey, let them be. I bet you do the same when you see Alexa," Kendall says.

"No more happy tears?" James asks as he laughs.

Kendall then punches him in the arm. "Shut up. You do the same with Halston."

"Cry? Not really."

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