11. The Truth May Hurt...

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Alfonso had ran up onto the stage and, happy for his girl, carried Darlyn in the air. He spinned her around while hugging her and then kissed her. That was all that Logan saw that made him want to leave right away. Trying to not cry, he left the auditorium. And all you could see was the red rose that he was going to give her, fall onto the ground just like his crushed heart, as he walked out of the room where his dream was not to be fulfilled.


"Thanks again for your support Alfonso," Darlyn said while feeling really proud of herself and thankful for everyone's help and support.

"No problem," Darlyn was then looking in the audience and realized that Logan was gone.

"Is something wrong babe?"

"No, everything is perfect. I just thought I saw someone I knew back there..."

"Okay then. Let's go celebrate and then I'll take you home."

"Sure, just let me make sure that I have all the info," she then goes to talk to the judges. After a few minutes she comes over. "I'm back and there will be a meeting in a week about the production."

"Okay then. I'll bring you for the meeting."

"Thanks, let's go celebrate then?"

"Sure, and I know exactly where to take you." Again, holding her hand the entire way to the car, Alfonso felt closer to his girl.

Along the way, Darlyn was looking at her contract and read something that left her shocked and worried. "What's wrong darling?"

"Uh, nothing. I think I mis-read something, by accident."

"Okay then, we're almost there." Darlyn still felt worried for what she had just read off her papers.


Meanwhile, Logan went back to the tour-bus; the guys were getting ready to begin their tour in just a few days. Carlos comes out and sees Logan first. "Hey Logan. What's up?" He then noticed that he looked upset. "What's wrong?"


"Come on buddy. You can trust me, and I won't laugh at all."

"Do I hear trouble?" James asks while peeking through the kitchen window.

"Trouble! Trouble! Trouble! Oh!" Kendall starts singing out loud. All of the guys laughed.

"You would sing that," Logan adds.

"So, really is there trouble? Cuz you look really upset. What's going on in your head?"

"It's just that..." Logan starts to answer.

"I got it! It's a girl!" James says. All the guys look at him weird.

"How did you know?"

"So it is a girl?! I knew it. I could tell that because you look worried, which shows that you care," James answers.

"Anyways, what happened with this girl?" Kendall asks.

"Well, you guys know her. It's Darlyn..."

"You really like her, huh?" Carlos asks.

He nods his head forward. "And the problem is?" James asks.

"Well, the problem is... She already has a boyfriend." Kendall dropped his mouth open. Carlos sat there shocked, and James stood there with an 'oh' face.

"Look buddy. You can still be her friend. And if they don't work out then you can be her..." Carlos started off.

Until Kendall interrupted, "Knight and shining armor."

"I was gonna say her prince charming," Carlos added.

"You know they mean boyfriend," James sarcastically says.

"I guess I could do that. But what if they never break up?" Logan adds, kind of worried.

"Then, maybe at some point you can let her know that you really like her. But not until you get to know her better," Carlos says.

"You're right Carlos. Thanks."

"Hey, what about us?" Kendall and James add.

"You guys too. Thanks for your support." And then they all got ready for bed. Everyone was asleep, except Logan. He layed there in bed, thinking and wondering what would happen in the future. "Everything happens for a reason. I just have to be patient and see what happens," he thinks to himself. Then he turns around and tries to fall asleep...


Hey, again sorry for lacking on involving BTR in the story. But I'll try to do better next time.

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