9. The Big Day - Audition

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This one is pretty long, so sorry for the long wait.


The next day, Darlyn woke up early to prepare for the audition. She was not going to let anything get in her way. The audition was at 2pm, so therefore she had to miss school. It was alright with her teachers since Mrs. Ledet told them about the audition. As soon as she arrived there, she saw the big stage, the chairs for the 3 judges, and then she met up with some of the other contestants. There was a girl named Ariel, with red hair, who really reminded her of the little mermaid. Then there was another girl named Britney, she looked really pretty with her blonde hair and pink highlights. And finally, the last one was named Stacie and her outfit was really nice; it was a medium, purple dress with short sleeves.

Then, a guy came on stage to speak through the mic. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the audition of a lifetime. Backstage you girls can go get ready or make some finishing touches to yourselves or your routine. By the way, my name is Robert Wilson, I'm the owner of this theater and I know that one of you will win this because of your talent, style, personality, and dedication that you have towards this once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Why does everyone one keeps talking like Kendall? First Alfonso, now him? Man, I really need to concentrate and not think about my hangout with the boys, especially Logan," Darlyn thought all of that in her head as Robert kept on talking.

"Any questions?"

Darlyn raised her hand, "If we can know, who are the judges?"

"That, sweetie, you will find out later. They're all running a little late due to their planes. But I promise you, they are the best judges that I could find at a time like this."

"Okay then." Then he dismissed all 4 girls and off they went backstage to get ready. Darlyn found a mirror where she started to get ready. As she put the finishing touches on her hair, she saw Logan in the mirror.

"Hey Darlyn."

"Hi Logan," she quickly turned around to give him a huge hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Remember? I told you that I was going to be here to support you, every audition until you made it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," she says as she smiles and blushes a little.

"Well, I came to wish you luck and I cannot wait to cheer for you when it's your turn."

"Thanks, I believe I'm the last one to go on, because of my last name. So hopefully the other girls don't get me too nervous so that I can concentrate."

"Don't worry. And I'll be right here if you need anything."

"Thanks Logan."

"I'll be in the audience now, but all the way in the back so fans don't 'crush' me."

Darlyn laughed, "Okay then. See you in the audience." A few minutes later, Alfonso appeared and gave her a surprise hug. "Whoa, Alfonso? When did you get here?" she said with a really slow but worried tone.

"Just a few minutes ago. I got you these flowers babe."

"Aww, thanks but you didn't have to."

"But I wanted to. I told you, I'll be here for you every step of the way."

"Yeah, I remember."

"Ima go now, so you can have some time to get ready mentally for this big moment."

"Alright then."

"Bye." Darlyn was extremely worried now. Not just because of the audition, but because both of her favorite guys were at the event to support her. What if Alfonso found out about Logan being nice to her? What if Alfonso got jealous? "No, no, get yourself together," she told herself as she slapped her face, gently. Then she looked at herself, straight in the mirror and told herself, "Forget about everything right now. Focus on the audition, the song, the moves, and most importantly, be yourself." After that, the judges came in and were presented towards the 4 girls.

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